Bucktown Coastie – Part Deux
Bucktown Coastie – Part Deux

Bucktown Coastie – Part Deux

QIC:Triple Shift
PAX:Da Parish, Moped, Woz


Well, Tuesdays roll around quickly and no one signed up for the Q, so someone has to lead…I guess that is me.  Unfortunately, my memory is starting to get fuzzy now that I’m writing this post +4 days out.   We moved from original location due to all the levee work and started in front of Landry’s Seafood.  This post won’t have a lot of humor, thought or wit like the Troubled Waters crew but it will have details.

Countoff, Namerama and COT.  Prayer as always to be better leaders.

Side Note: It’s funny how leadership and health have direct relationships with each other as opposed to an inverse relationship.  Oh..wait, no existential ponderings or Kinesiology terms

Disclaimer and off we ride to the east.  Because the leg day was so popular a few weeks ago, I decided to bring it back – part Deux!

We rode over to the Bayou St. John bridge and took the traffic circle back to the area across from Shelter #2.


The THANG # 1

30 IC x Low Slow Squats

15 IC x Curtsey Lunges

15 IC X Side Lunges

15 IC x Romanian Single Leg Deadlifts


Get back on the bike and sprint another loop over the Bayou St. John bridge and take the traffic circle back to the area across from Shelter #2.


The THANG # 2

20 IC x Deadlifts with Sandbags

15 IC x Pistol Squats on the Planter

20 IC x Monkey Humpers

15 IC x Reverse Lunges


Times up!  Gotta go to work. Grateful to lead!