
F3 NOLA Convergence 2021 (a.k.a.”Crew Change”) – Mothership 2021-10-16 – from Reluctant Yankee

A fine morning, with a change in the weather providing a fitting backdrop for the changing of the guard on the F3 New Orleans Leadership Team. Kicked off at the flag zone with naming of the F3 NOLA Rookie of the Year and F3 NOLA Man of the Year. These …

Armistice 2020

I looked for a good Veteran’s Day themed WOD and found 2 that I liked. I wasn’t sure how long it was going to take to complete (particularly Catfish) so the plan was to have everyone complete WOD #1 and then transition to WOD #2 with the left over time …

The Bridge Run

YHC signed up for the Ocean Springs Bridge Run on September 12th in Mississippi, so he wanted to practice running some bridges. The best place to practice bridge running is the Wisner Bridge. Therefore, this morning’s 610 Stomp was off to the bridge! New Route Down past the Museum of …

Bringing the Thunder

13 PAX braved the feels like temp of 93 degrees and the threat of storms this morning at the Birdcage. We were lucky to avoid the torrential downpours that immediately followed our COT, and I thoroughly kicked my own ass during this beatdown. Hats off to my fellow F3 brothers …

Monkey Humper Monday

Got to bed late and was feeling tired and uninspired this am – forced myself to the beatdown because I was the Q today. First person I saw was Revit and I mentioned that I wasn’t feeling it yet – and he reminded me that sometimes getting out of bed …