Day: <span>September 16, 2017</span>
Day: September 16, 2017

Looking at Lichtenstein

With a large PAX and three FNGs, YHC decided a little art tour was in order.  After a brief disclaimer to Disclaimer et al. and a mosey to the side of Museum, THE THANG A brief stretch with 30 SSHs and 30 IWs.  Mosey to Lichtenstein’s Five Brushstrokes (the glob …

The Morning After

YHC arrived at the AO early, energized after the rousing performance by U2 the night before, and eager to discuss the show with the many other F3 men that attended.  YHC was joined by 3 PAX, but as 0530 approached, it appeared that the concert-goers chose to fartsack, so on with the …