Cold Open
Cold Open

Cold Open

PAX:Chewy, Nacho Libre, Schwanks (FNG), EIEI (FNG), Toots (FNG) Amnesty, Hotty Toddy, Reluctant Yankee, Hawgcycle

After a wrong turn by Your Humble Backseat Driver, our clown car successfully made it to the new Northshore AO 20 minutes before launch.  After a quick reconnaissance mission to see if we could get on to the field at Our Lady of the Lake (we can’t), 3 men from the South planted a very manly shovel into the cold Northshore soil for the first time.  We were quickly joined by our fellow brother Hotty Toddy and five men from God’s Country.  This AO sits right on the banks of Lake Pontchartrain and has to be one of the more scenic AOs in F3 Nation.  It’s also cold.  YHC quickly learned some additions to the standard disclaimer were necessary:  “I am not a certified lifeguard,” “I am not a professional traffic cop,” “Be wary of hypothermia”, etc…

The Thang

Took a short mosey and circled up a short distance from the flag, in case there were any late arrivers.  Did I mention how cold it is over here.

Warm-up COP:  All IC –  SSH x 20; Imperial Walkers x 20; Windmills aka Don Quixotes aka Hammy Poppers x 10; Merkins x 15; Squats x 20; Peter Parkers x 20; Sumo Squats x 20; Parker Peters x 25

EIEI asked if he should sing the song during Imperial Walkers, so I propose that all IWs on the Northshore are done while humming the The Imperial March.

Short mosey to the lake ledge for some “Red Hot Chilli Pepper” famously named at the NOLA launch when Chong-Li led us under the bridge for a Chong-Li Special – read it here.  Seemed appropriate on the day Giving it Away.  YHC modified it like this: All IC – RLS x 16; Decline Merks x 8; LLS x 16; Incline Merks x 8; RLS x 12; Decline Merks x 6; LLS x 12; Incline Merks x 6; RLS x 9 (oops); Decline Merks x 4; LLS x 8; Incline Merks x 4; LLS x 4, Decline Merks x 2; RLS x 4; Incline Merks x 2

Chong-Li didn’t fail.  This warmed-up the pax and the oaks were soon draped with long sleeve outer layers.  Let’s explore what is over the bridge.

Found nice open space about 70 yards wide.  Nice spot to do battle with Tyson – Sprint 40 yards to the sidewalk, 10 reps, sprint 30 more yards to Lakeshore Drive, 10 reps, sprint back to the sidewalk, 10 reps, sprint back to the start.

  • Round 1: Squats
  • Round 2: Diamond Merkins
  • Round 3: Alternating Lunges (Left+Right = 1) 
  • Round 4: Wide Merkins
  • Round 5: Toe Raises

Slow mosey back flagward.  Stopped half way for some Mary all IC: LBC x 20; Flutter Kicks x 20; Hello Dollys x 20; Putins x 20; Rosalitas x 20; Penguins x 20

Mosey back to the flag for the COT

Naked Man Moleskin

  •  Good showing by the Northshore Pax today.  T-claps to Toots for Larry Birding Round One against Tyson
  • The AO is nice and has potential.  Trees can be used for pull-ups.  We didn’t make it down to the playground or the baseball field.  That needs to be explored.
  • How many people does Amnesty know on the Northshore?  He had to have stopped and talked to at least 4 people during the workout.
  • Future FNG Chris showed up for the COT.  Seems he hasn’t made the change for daylight savings.  No name for Chris yet – you can’t just show up and get a name like Toots.  That has to be earned.
  • In true Northshore style we had mimosas and a variety of dishes involving quinoa at coffeteria.  I am proposing that coffeteria on the Northshore be called Bro Brunch.

Thanks to the guys who came out this morning to make the Northshore stronger.  Great work.  I am looking forward to seeing this thing grow.