Life Lessons
Life Lessons

Life Lessons

PAX:Agassi, Bad Moon, Chair Thrower, Cowbell, Douille, El Wire, Landing Strip, Mulligan, Quick Draw, Reluctant Yankee, Revit, Saban (FNG), Seaman, Tool, Shorty (QIC)

“I asked Life, ‘Why are you so difficult?’  Life smiled and said, ‘You people never appreciate easy things.’ ”  – the Wise Man on top the Mountain

15 men overcame their first daily test this gloom (SFx’s Wisdom), and decided to get better today! Here is what we did, but first,



Warmup mosey around St. Charles, and circle up by Tulane

20x Seal Jacks IC
20x Peter Parkers IC
20x SSH IC
20x Parker Peters IC
20x Press Jacks IC

Mosey over to Bench Alley, and line up for some Tabata

4 rounds:
20 sec of Dips
10 sec of Al Gores

Mosey to WPM and line up at the first ramp.  YHC explained the rules of advancing up through the mountain.  Two floors up, One floor down.  We did a COP at each floor:

3rd floor:
12x Alt. Lunges IC
8x Alt. Jump Lunges IC

4th floor:
12x Shoulder Taps IC
8x Shoulder Tap Merkins IC

5th floor:
12x Squats IC
8x Low Squat Pulses IC

6th floor:
12x Heal Taps IC
6x Leg Up & Ins IC (Right)
6x Leg Up & Ins IC (Left)

7th floor:
3 rounds of a Vinyasa

Ran down the stairs to the bottom of WPM, and over to a grassy area.

COP#7 – 6MOM
15x Crunchy Frogs IC
15x Real Freddie Mercury IC
15x Dying Coachroach IC
15x Putins IC
15x Penguins IC

Back to the flag, where we ended with a COT.  Thanks for letting me lead guys!


Tclaps to Saban for posting today.  He killed this beatdown!

Workout was modelled after the saying “two steps forward, and one step back”.  Always keep pushing through troubling times in your life…you’ll get through it!

GO Ruck is 11.11.16.  I’m pretty sure this is going to be your best day of your life!  Sign up now!