Where are the Side Straddle Hops?
Where are the Side Straddle Hops?

Where are the Side Straddle Hops?

QIC:Mr. Awesome
PAX:Mr. Awesome, Squeegee, Mulligan, Da Parish, Triple Shift, Chop Shop, Papa Bear, Simba, Torque, Douille, Out for Justice, Shorty, Cowbell, Terabyte, Moped, Duct Tape, 86, Babyface, Cupcake (FNG), Tool, Rudy, Bongo, Fracsac, Rebound, Bogey, Roots, Heisenberg, Maverick, Kimchi, Jingle Vader, Hawgcycle

YHC came in hot as the clock ticked over to 6:31 while 28 Pax already waited in the dawning of a beautiful morning, two others were running in as I barked out the disclaimer and tied my shoes. We made a tiny mosey into the peristyle and the 31 of us filled the place.

Warm up COP

YHC clearly called out the first exercise at Low Slow Squats and the Pax shouted it back.. “in cadence, begin” and Bogey and his buddy (was it FracSac or Rudy, I can’t remember) started doing SSH instead. Bogey continued to mumble about wanted to side straddle throughout the beatdown.

LSS ic x 30
Imperial Walkers ic x 30
Peter Parkers ic x 20
Merkins ic x 15
Burpees oyo x 15

Now that everyone was good and warm, we took a mosey down past the coffeeteria to the big grassy area next to NOMA for a parade of animals. We lined up about 25 yards from the train tracks to begin.

Backwards bear crawls
a nice flowing skip on back (stretching humility and masculinity while stretching the hips)

Booboo bear crawls (switch lags half way)
skip on back

Burpee Broad jumps
plank and wait

YHC let the Pax (and himself) get a 30 count. I think I let Bogey work the numbers. Then we took a long mosey over to the Foundry. Rudy was driving the pace, and continued to do so for the rest of our moseys. What’s with that guy?

Foundry Circuit (groups of 3 +1)

1. Burpees had the count x 10
2. step ups
3. hanging leg raises
4. pullups
5. hip slappers
6. step ups (yes, again)
7. dips
8. merkins
9. squats
10. plank

Rinse and repeat with the Burpees on a 5 count

At this point, Squeegee had to make like a baby and the mumble chatter was getting mildly mutinous. Everyone got their panties unbundled as we took a Duct Tape 30 count then chased Rudy back to our grassy spot by the tracks and NOMA.

Mary’s COP

Mountain climbers ic x 20
LBCs ic x 20
cross body mtn climbers ic x 15
flutter kicks ic x 15
spider monkey climbers ic x 15
spider man merkins ic x 10 or 8?
hup hup lung jumps in hup hup cadence x 15

YHC was struggling on the cadences; breath was getting hard to come by. Hup hups got the Pax rejuvenated and the nearly silenced mumble chatter kicked back in. YHC called someone else out for a 30 count then the Pax moseyed over to the great lawn, chasing Rudy. Rudy didn’t know what awaited him at said lawn or he might have slowed his roll a bit.


20 yard sprints with a jog back on your own for 2.5 min

And the Pax mostly stumbled back to the flag after making sure Flyboy aka Simba got up from the grass. Dude flew a couple yards before kissing the big ball with his six. A couple of guys were still sprinting back to the flag. Probably Rudy and definitely Hawg. They must not have worked hard enough.


We lost Mulligan somewhere, but named the FNG Cupcake after his father, Cake Man.

Closed out with the Lord’s Prayer aka the Our Father.

YHC thoroughly enjoyed qing this large Pax – largest ever for me.

Great work fellas #tclaps
the mumble chatter was spirited and hilarious #keepitup
