Rain and more Rain
Rain and more Rain

Rain and more Rain

QIC:Triple Shift

When YHC got up and looked at the radar, there was green and yellow all around.  Being the Q, I couldn’t fartsack so I had to put on my ‘Big Boy’ tights and get going.  After riding a mile to the start, I was hoping no one would show up but in the distance, I saw my faithful friend (Woz).  When I reached him, I was thinking he was crazy to come out but aren’t we all.  After the namerama and COT, we were off but not on the Metaire Lakefront due to all the construction of raising and widening the levee but on the New Orleans Lakefront.

As we got on our way east to Landry’s Seafood, I could only think of the wonderful thoughts of cycling in a steady rain and darkness.  Unfortunately, the thoughts weren’t of joy and happiness that we still have the physical ability to pull this off but of but slips, crashes and suck.  The route is filled with small hills going over the levee and the one large bridge at Bayou St. John.  As we muddled through the 12 mile ride out to the Seabrook bridge and back, we said our silent goodbyes till next time.  See you out in the dry gloom next week!