This workout is no April Fool’s joke.
This workout is no April Fool’s joke.

This workout is no April Fool’s joke.

PAX:Jingle Vader, Reluctant Yankee, Triple Shift, Yo-Yo, Rinse(FNG), Repeat(FNG), Chipper(FNG), Kimchi(QIC)

Well here it is the second workout at Destrehan. The were a few FNGs and then YHC gave the disclaimer. Here we go!

The warm-up

SSH x30

IW x25

Mercans x20

Windmills x30

The Workout

5 rounds starting with each exercise @ 25reps and the work our way down by 5 ending in 5reps. Between each round the PAX would run one lap around the park equaling .5 mile each lap (2.5 total).  Plank and wait for six after the run.The exercises consist of

Lunges x25,x20,x15,x10,x5

Burpees x25,x20,x15,x10,x5

Leg raises (ab work, cannot get enough) x25,x20,x15,x10,x5

There was speculation between the older PAX that some of the younger PAX was sandbagging until the last lap. This is yet to be confirmed.

Ab Work

20sec per rep and 10sec rest


2. reverse crunch

3. parker peter

4.moutain climbers

5. toe touch

6. hip raises L

7. hip raises R

8. levered plank (plank hold with arms outstretched)

I enjoy the look on the faces of the PAX of accomplishment of a tough beat down. Good job guys and TClaps to Chipper for finding out that he and his M are having a boy. As always thank you for letting me lead and always embrace the suck.
