Squat did you say?
Squat did you say?

Squat did you say?

PAX:Kim Chi, Joe Dirt, Chipper (Q)

Three loyal men took a red pill and entered the gloom with cash in hand to put a downPAINment on our mission to serve each other through accountability and leadership. And what better way to do that than through mutual misery before the world wakes up?  There’s no better time than now, so once the PAX circled up we got things started.


  1. SSH x20 IC
  2. Copperhead Squats x20 IC
  3. Arm Circle – forwards then backwards 15x IC each way
  4. Merkins – 4-count x10
  5. SSH x20 IC
  6. Peter Parkers x20 IC

The Thang:

Run/Squat: PAX ran half a mile, stopping at each quarter mile to do 25 squats.

Mosey to the tennis courts for some tennis.  Unfortunately, the entire PAX forgot their rackets, so we did 25 squats instead.  But, we’re still here for a good time, so we formed a Circle of Pain.  Before we began, Joe Dirt mentions we were at 95 squats and asked for a nickel to get us all to a dollar.  We all had some change, so we did an extra 5 to satisfy the PAX OCD.  Who doesn’t love even numbers?

Circle of Pain: 2 rounds

  1. Prisoner Cell Merkin Burpees x10
  2. Bay City Scissors x10
  3. Squats x25

Mosey to the Pull-Up bar for some… you guessed it, core work.

Core Work:

  1. Leg Raises x10
  2. LBCs x10
    • Break for Squats x25
  3. Flutter Kicks x10
  4. Crunchy Frogs x10
    • Break for Squats x50

Q figured since we were at the pull-up bar, we might as well go ahead and do some pull-ups.  We broke it up into two sets, each with three rounds as we all went around the circuit.

Set 1: One member does 25 squats while the other two either do pull-ups or an inverted row on the low pull-up bar.
Set 2: One member does 50 squats while the other two either do pull-ups or an inverted row on the low pull-up bar.

PAX finished up with two minutes to spare utilize, so we moseyed back to the front of the park and banged out merkins until time ran up.


Counterama, Namerama, and announcements.  Huddle up and prayer to send us off into our


My thought for the day: Lord, chisel us. In this life we fight. And this world is our arena. And like those before us, we stand side by side with our brothers as we press towards the mark of the high calling. And along the way, we pray, Father God, chisel us, and make us more like you.