Okwata and the DMD
Okwata and the DMD

Okwata and the DMD

PAX:Jingle Vader, Bubba, Rudy, Griswald, Surge, Triple Shift, Yo-yo, Fracsac (QIC)

YHC arrived at Okwata wondering which dedicated PAX would show up. YHC was excited when 7 hardcore Okwata junkies emerged from their vehicles to join their QIC in the gloom. The mystery ghost vehicle referenced by Rudy last week was back on the scene. No time to investigate, as 0530 beckons us to begin. Welcome JV, just in time for the disclaimer, and then mosey around the fountain. Mumble chatter about the pretty lights illuminating from the fountain…..karaoke right, high knees, karaoke left…….circle up for warm up:

SSH IC x 31
IW IC x 15
Windmills IC x 10 (YHC is hampered by a hamstring thang…..gotta stretch it out)

Mosey to the fountain for an Okwata favorite…..Double shots with Jack Webb at the bar

1 merkin followed by 2 air presses in the peoples chair position against the bar
Continue until the PAX completes 10 merkins and 20 air presses

Mosey to the House of Pain……..
Upon arrival at the HOP, YHC is overcome by crawfish shell stench and massive clouds of flying critters…..change of plans…..continue mosey to the corner of Lakeshore Drive and Canal…..Dirty Mac Deuce is back at Okwata!

DMD is comprised of 4 sets of 3 exercises done to 12 count reps. There is one chest exercise, one leg exercise, and one core exercise. After each set of 3, the PAX runs a lap. The lap at Okwata would be the figure 8. However, this is Okwata! Our lap would be an Indian Run!

Set #1
Merkins x 12 IC
Jump Squats x 12 IC
Big Boy (WW2) Situps x 12 IC

Indian Run a figure 8 lap

Set #2
Shoulder Taps x 12 IC
Lunges x 12 IC
Big Boy (WW2) Situps x 12 IC

Indian Run a figure 8 lap

Set #3
Catalina Wine Mixer x 12 IC
Monkey Humpers x 12 IC
Big Boy (WW2) Situps x 12 IC

Indian Run a figure 8 lap

Set #4
Floyd Mayweathers x 12 IC
Quick lunges (or whatever their called) x 12 IC
Big Boy (WW2) Situps x 12 IC

Indian Run a figure 8 lap – YHC’s hamstring made the last lap a bit slower…..

Mosey back to the VSF for….

Round of Mary – all IC
LBC x 15
Flutter Kicks x 15
Real Freddie Mercury x 15
Dr. W’s x ???? (YHC completely butchered the count from the get go….maybe 10 total….gotta work on that one)
Tin Snips x 15

Count off, Name-O-Rama, announcements, intentions, and closed with a prayer to the Sky Q.

Thanks for joining me at Okwata, and for allowing me to lead.