Big Papi’s 45-Minute NOLA Tour
Big Papi’s 45-Minute NOLA Tour

Big Papi’s 45-Minute NOLA Tour

PAX:Big Papi, Yankee, Douille, Saban, Seaman, Tinkles, 86, Bartman, Nip/Tuck, G-Spot, Landing Strip, YHR, Brown Bag, Mulligan (QIC)

YHC was expecting rainy and flooded conditions but was pleasantly surprised to find the gloom just a little damp but otherwise pleasant.  Better surprise was having a Pax of 14 strong despite the rain, including Big Papi from Charlotte.  With our honored guest present, YHC felt obliged to give a little tour of our fair city, starting with a brisk mosey over to:

Audubon Park Golf Course (monkey bars):

Split into four stations:

  • Burpees x7 (timer)
  • Russian twists
  • Pull ups
  • Mountain climber

Rinse and repeat.  Unfortunately, we lost Seaman in the middle of this because YHC neglected to provide him directions to our next stop.

A quieter (but far less jolly) Pax proceeded with an Indian Run over to the Fly to see:

Mississippi River:

Ring of fire:  circle up, bear crawl to the right, halt, 10 merks wave-style, bear crawl to the left, halt, 10 diamond merks wave-style, bear crawl to the right, halt, 10 wide merks wave-style

Shake it out then mosey over the levee to:

Audubon Zoo:

Here we did “8s” (variation on 11s), starting with 1 jump lunge at the bottom of the levee and 7 burpees at the top.  Note to self: this combo is brutal — stop doing this.

Indian run to the end of the Fly and line up head-to-toe in elbow plank position for moguls.  Each Pax member jumped over the legs of the remaining Pax, who were doing plank walks while waiting their turn.  We did this twice and then resumed our Indian run to:

The Labyrinth (or thereabouts):

Obviously no trip to New Orleans is complete without visiting the cherished labyrinth.  Unfortunately, it was occupied and we had to circle up nearby for some quick Mary:

  • LBC x30
  • Real Freddie Mercs x20

Mosey back to the flag and re-join Seaman, who was in good spirits despite being abandoned by the Pax.

COT: count, name-o-rama, shout outs, and prayer.
