Are we just going to do warmup exercises?
Are we just going to do warmup exercises?

Are we just going to do warmup exercises?

PAX:Brat, Butt Splice, Grundy, Steve, Turtle

Your QIC started the morning with an explanation of what the Milestone Marsh would entail. Simply planned just 8 simple exercises done Tabata style. For those less inclined to google or lookup what it means, let me splain.. 20 sec of  work at 100% followed by 10 sec of rest R/R 8x  followed by a 1 min rest at the completion of each exercise. So total in all 5 min dedicated to each exercise with 2min and 40 seconds of actual work, Grundy check the math as you know I tend to exaggerate at times :). See splaining can be easy sometimes.

Tabata begin

First exercise the SSH, remember guys 100% so by round 8 the calves are feeling it. Second IW, at this point Turtle begins to think we are just warming up, which technically we are however your QIC knew that would be short lived as we took to plank with the third exercise the MC.. With perspiration hitting the court and  heart rates increased let the groaning begin with the Merkin for number four.. This proved to be extremely taxing as the PAX began grunting, spitting, moaning, etc. many of the PAX including the QIC had to modify with the knees on the court to finish ripping out the rest of the set.. Let’s hit the jungle gym to do some pull-ups for number five or should I say Australian modifiers (brutal at this point).. However, would an exercise have any fulfillment without the Burpee, but of course not set six. Steve and Grundy great job blowing through the Burps!! No workout is complete until we touch all muscle groups gentleman.. Number seven the squat, no half squat ladies full 90 degrees deep on the heels head held high chest in front. And last but not least we closed out with the BK, great high pace to complete with the heart rate pumping..

countarama, annoucarama, COT

Thank you brothers for allowing me to lead and start the week off right with a workout..