A Few Proud Men
A Few Proud Men

A Few Proud Men

PAX:Jingle Vader (YHC), Woz (QIC)

Where is everyone?  Well at least the Q showed up.  With just two, the pauses are shorter, so the beatdown is greater.  Bring on the DownPainMents.  YHC doesn’t have the best recall of the post, but it went something like this.

Warm-Up COP (really, Warm-up Line, as two points always make a line; three, a circle; and more than that, a mess): the usual.

1st COP: pick up the biggest rock you’ve ever carried at Rock City, then put it down and pick up one much bigger.  Carry it about a 1/4 mile, recover from Bataan, then carry it back.  Wish you were dead.

2nd COP: Bear crawls across the field, waiting to see which fall off first: your arms or thighs.

Interlude to be light as a feather: walk across the parking stops doing some kind of balance something, or something.

3rd COP: At the kiddie foundry, PAX1 deadhangs while PAX2 does 8 burpees, flap jack; repeato with 6, then 4, then 2.  Pray to Jesus for still having your limbs.

Mosey back to the flag for 12 minutes of Mary.

Countoff, name-o-rama, COT.

Thanks, Woz, for a great beat down.  YHC, Jingle Vader