Across the River with El Wire a classic
Across the River with El Wire a classic

Across the River with El Wire a classic

QIC:El Wire
PAX:Wire (QIC), Bartman, 86, Quickdraw, Thumper, Saban, Mulligan, Seaman, REvit, Gabriel, and Douille

El wire stepped up for Landing Strip who damaged his “wrist” doing whatever Landing Strip does in his free time.  Probably burpees.  Probably.

Warm up SSH and some other things.

Ran to Monkey Hill.  Did some backwards bear crawls.

Also did a variation of douilles – instant classic the levee.  There were Russian Twists.

We American Ninja warrior’d using the soccer goal- you had to grab the bar and slide across the “river”.

Then we finished with a Ring of Fire on the bandstand.

Tclaps to Wire for stepping up.

Next Q lets learn how to post one of these things.

Convergence is Saturday.