10k Foray
10k Foray

10k Foray

PAX:Bushwacker, Carpool, Dundee, The Pelican

YHC stood in for Captain Sparkles today, as he had some excuse or another for not making it out – something to do with resting the week between running a half marathon and attacking a half iron man – or some such weak sauce non-sense.  I was, once again, admiringly impressed with the definition of punctuality that my F3 brothers are renowned for, as The Pelican arrived 2 minutes before 4:45 and Dundee and Carpool arrived 2 minutes after.

Commencing in reverse, as is Captain’s Cove tradition, we started out with namorama and prayerorama. After our illustrious QIC initially aimed the PAX towards the boat ramps, we comically course corrected and were off at a pace of 4 guys focused solely on endurance (and, well, survival).

I always love the cove because it consistently proves to be a great opportunity to get to know your fellow F3s a little better. Today’s PAX, for example, hail from as close as Metairie and Slidell, to as far as Arizona! We had  three loving fathers, a former soldier, and a blue devil.  They showed dedication by arriving at 4:45 am to run 10k. They showed heart by pushing themselves without complaints or gripes. There was even a showing off the wearing of big-boy pants  by the tightening of sphincters as they passed the point of no return, more colloquially known as the sunset point port-o-potty! I mostly appreciate the comaraderie and brotherhood of the men who aim to add value to their lives and those of the people around them.


“Health is the greatest gift, contentment the greatest wealth, faithfulness the best relationship”  -Buddha