I ask not for a lighter burden, but for broader shoulders. — Jewish Proverb
I ask not for a lighter burden, but for broader shoulders. — Jewish Proverb

I ask not for a lighter burden, but for broader shoulders. — Jewish Proverb

PAX:Jingle Vader, Sea Man, Gabrielle, Ponyboy, Douille, Tinkles, Chiquita, Brown Bag, Bartman, Friendly Man Child, 86

Shoulders, gentlemen.  Shoulders.

12 men assembled in the gloom. Standard disclaimer.  5:30 Mosey across Magazine to  oak alley warm up COP:

Smurfjacks x20IC

Parker Peters x20 IC

1qrtrArm Circles x 40 IC (20 forward dir)

Peter Parkers x20 IC

1qrtrArm Circles x 40 IC (20 reverse dir)

(hillbillies) 20 IC

SSH x30 IC

Next we moseyed to the long green wall. Mumble chatter about dangerous animals on the other side. But the “Most Dangerous Game” PAX grabbed some wall for Ascending Testicles. Feet on the wall in a plank, working through:

 15 degrees (10 derkins)

45 deg (10 derkins);

finishing with BTTW (hold for 30 seconds). Lather, rinse and repeat.

Mosey over to the field parking lot in front of the zoo. We used the four corners of the squarish field for some OYO BLIMPS.

5 Burpees. Run to next corner.

10 Lunges each leg. Run to next corner.

15 Imperial Walkers. Run to next corner.

20 Merkins. Run to next corner.

25 Plank Jacks. Run to next corner.

30 Squats. Run to next corner.

YHC fumbled the start of an Indian run. Pax moseyed to Magazine St. and back to Audubon entrance for more shoulders.  Modified Dora. PAX partnered up and alternated running around the neutral ground and completed:

100 Dips

150 Derkin Shoulder taps

200 LBCs

Circle up for Iron Hulks 7s (merkin followed by 4 air presses is 1)

Mosey back to flag.

Wrap with announcements and intentions, and prayer.