Christmas Leftovers
Christmas Leftovers

Christmas Leftovers

PAX:Walleye, Thibodeaux, Mahatma, Boo Boo

The day after Christmas tends to be a bit dreary.  The excitement is over, parties are done, no more chances to wear that tacky sweater, and back to work for many.  Folks are sluggish after enjoying lots of holiday cheer, which seemed to be the case for the F3 NOLA PAX since no one signed up to lead The Foundry, including myself.  Even after some feelers were thrown out on the group chat, no one was answering the call.  So in the last hour, YHC felt the he could take one for the team, kinda like eating those Christmas dinner leftovers that no one else wanted.  Surely someone would be there in the gloom to help me polish off Aunt Peggy’s bland dressing and that smoked turkey that cousin Bill infused with too much cayenne.  So as the clock neared 5:30am, it appeared we’d have a table for 5 in City Park.  Nothing special in store, just a hodgepodge of exercises and circuits that we’d figure out as the morning progressed. 

Mosey down RM with a warmup pit stop:  Hillbillies x20, WM x10, AC x20, ISW x20, Plankroll x20, Merkins x10

Stop #2 – The Baby Foundry:  5 stations, 2 rounds of Pull Ups, LBC, Dips, Hanging Knees Ups, Lateral Step Ups/Overs x20 (timer)

Stop #3 – The Foundry:  Round 1 included partner assist Pull Ups x2 rounds with WWII Sit Ups x15 (timer).  Round 2 came together on the fly…Body Rows, Hanging Knee Ups, Squats x25 (timer) 

Stop #4 – The Practice Track:  Line up for for some to-and-fro Bear Crawls, Lateral Lunge, Inchworm, Crabwalks, and Kongs. 

Then a mosey back to the flag with no time for dessert. 
COT to cap things off. 

The PAX enjoyed some good F2 on the moseys throughout the workout as we recapped holiday events and got the morning off to a good start. 
