Rumble with the MotherShip Marauders
Rumble with the MotherShip Marauders

Rumble with the MotherShip Marauders

PAX:Tool, Quincy, Candy Land, Green Screen, Catfish, Grimace, Hokie Pokey, The Muscleship

What a blessing to be standing in the early morning Summertime bright gloom for a Saturday MuscleShip adventure through the park. 7 Pax gathered a short disclaimer of self awareness of safety and effort was given and the fun began.

Mosey to the baby foundry – along our route we picked up Grimace so QIC was happy with an even number for partner workouts planned. We circle up for a quick warm up:

Slow toe touches with a hold at the bottom x 10

Slow right leg lunch with a hold x 5 – repeat left leg x 5

SSH x 20

Michael Phelps x 10

Peter Parkers x 15

Partner up – Pax moved over to the pull up bars – idea was every Pax was to complete 10 dead hang pull ups with a spot from their partner. QIC noticed at the recent Murph, most (including the QIC) would resort to short-arming pullups especially as we got tired.  Using a spot helps work on form, confidence and strength.  After the 1st set each, PAX would do 20 LBCs or WWII sit ups, then repeat.

Mosey over to the block pile (QIC came prepared, dropping off cones prior to meeting at AO), we only had 8 and there was a plan to use the tires (that have surprisingly be left untouched by City Park staff). As the MuscleShip Pax was focused on getting our gear in place and the “workout” task ahead, who should arrive but a group of unruly marauders of the Mothership, asserting claim to all the blocks and open space for themselves.  They attempted to intimidate the smaller Pax of 8 yet, QIC felt confident in our ability to out perform even the loudest chirping Cotter from their group.  Most had a hard time staying focused on their workout as they watched in awe of the sweat generating effort the MuscleShip Pax of 8.

The Thang on Display –

Two groups of partners (4 Pax) – 2 large tires.

One Pax on his back leg pressing the tire while the partner stood in the tire adding extra weight. This did take some balance and coordination – lagniappe to the work.

Each Pax did 50 leg presses and 25 chest press – flip flop.

The other group of 4 –

Pax 1 farmer carry blocks from one end of cones to the next, while Pax 2 does Squat Press – as Pax 1 is on his way back switch to prisoner overhead squat press.

Flip Flop

Now All 4 Pax lined up at cones did one push up on the block – 2 Over Head Lunge – 2 push ups with 4 Over Head Lunge – 3 push ups with 6 Over Head Lunge until reaching the other end of cones, RUN back with block over head. Rinse and Repeat.

Finally – block around the trunk – PAX partners standing back to back pass the block x 10 each direction.

FLIP FLOP with the PAX on the Tires.

NOTE: MotherShip Marauders midway through seeing this beatdown effort couldn’t “stand” around any longer so they quietly returned their blocks and moseyed off to “Merryland”……to be seen again later at coffeteria!   Great stories of workout beatdowns were shared along with “catfishing” tales.

MuscleShip Pax returned out gear (blocks and tires) yet still had something left in the tank… behind the pace of GreenScreen we headed back to the Museum fountain.

20 incline merkins followed by 7 in unison inchworm burpees.

Mosey over to the tree field for some core:

1 minute low plank

1 minute of scoops

1 minute of flutter kicks

1 minute of high plank

1 minute of stretching

The mission was accomplished!

COT – After namorama and prayer of thanks giving – the PAX broke for the day!

I’m grateful to have the opportunity to lead as well as the camaraderie that comes with being an F3 brother. We hold a bond of accountability – even when meeting up with (or at times being) Marauders!