A Good Ole Fashion Beat Down!
A Good Ole Fashion Beat Down!

A Good Ole Fashion Beat Down!

PAX:#Quincy, #WashandFold, #Peppa, #Mariah, #ILuvYouMan, #Gideon, #Revit, #Moist, #KingKong, #Jadevon, #CandyLand, #Squeel, #Douille, #AngiesList, #Chiquita, #JingleVader, #Saban, #Bartman, #TubeSteak, #Brushburn, #Seaman, #TinyLittleTree, #ReluctantYankee, #Niptuck, #Gabrielle, #MedullaOblongata, #Sandbar, #TwoWrongs, #Willie, #Elwire, #Bones

It was an extremely humid morning at the Birdcage where 32 PAXs came together for a good ole fashion beat down! After the standard disclaimer and identification of FNGs (there were 2), we proceeded to mosey into the field in front of Audubon Zoo for warm up exercises.  I an effort to encourage more PAX to join the Q sheet, I voluntold Quincy and Moist to each lead an exercise.  

Warm up Exersises consisted of the following all in cadence:

SSH x20, Windmills x10 (lead by Quincy), Forward Arm Circles x10, Backwards Arm Circles (Seaman style) x10, Self Love x10

The PAX then made their way to the front of the Zoo, partnered up and had a DORA 1,2,3 consisting of 100 Merkins, 200 Bobby Hurley’s, 300 Freddie Mercury’s (1:1). While one pax was exercising their partner was running the loop. Once the lap was completed, the PAX switched. The count was cumulative, and this process continued until all reps were complete.

Once DORA was complete, the PAX mosyed to the pull up station, broke up into 6 groups.  Pull ups x10 was the count, while the rest of groups were Hillbillies, Plank Jacks, Squats, Hurpees, and LBCs. The Pax rotated through each group.

The workout was concluded with a round of Mary and some stretching. The exercises were as follows, all in cadence:

Penguins x 15, LBCs (lead by Moist) x15, Hello Dolly x 15, Freddie Mercury’s x15

The COT ensued with the Count off, Nameorama, announcements, and closing prayer. We welcomed two FNGs this morning Two Wrongs and LittleTiny Tree 
