EiEi no show!!
EiEi no show!!

EiEi no show!!

PAX:Akbar, Bushwacker, Cowbell, Pelican, Steve, Water Pik

Kudos to all the men on the Northshore this week who responded to the ringing of the Cowbell this pass Saturday.. Tuesday produced 8 men with Zoolander back at the weekly post bringing out an FNG “Handy”, 10 on Wednesday with the Manny making a Gipper appearance and Maverick back in the mix as well and Thursday brought out the likes of Akbar with his virgin post at the Scramble.. All in all a great week at the posts and had our “EiEi” posted it would have been even better… Site Q took the helm to lead the PAX on this slightly less humid Gloom.


10IC Good Mornings, 20IC SSH, 10IC Torso Twists, 20IC Imperial Walkers, 10IC Scorpion kicks and 5 Burpees OYO..


T-👏🏻 to Steve for posting although not able to run he stayed at the AO completing some Merkins, Manmakers, Freak Nasties, Core, etc. etc. The 3 Stallions quickly jumped out the gate and began their galloping as 3 Clydesdale’s trotted in the back..

Stallions Bushwacker, Cowbell and Water Pik finished with a high sub 7 pace and rejoined Steve for some of that Core work as the Clydesdale’s came in around high 9s. With a debatable 7 mins remaining YHC brought the PAX over to the exercise equipment for 2 rounds of 7 various movements. 5 pull-ups controlled the rest which consisted of Burpees, Plank Jacks, Chest press, Knee ups, leg raises and Freak nasties..

Count, Annouce, COT

YHC prayed the PAX out with tribute and remembrance of the lost from Katrina 14 years ago today..

Thanks for following my lead and 👊🏻💪🏻✌🏻 Till the next Gloom!