Wait…You Were Serious?! Tales From The Tabata Trio
Wait…You Were Serious?! Tales From The Tabata Trio

Wait…You Were Serious?! Tales From The Tabata Trio

PAX:Akbar, Bushwacker (QIC), Steve

So, YHC thought it would be a brilliant idea to run 5 miles to the Marsh this gloom (yes I was serious), which it was. Except for the tragic water bottle to the knee injury, almost being run off the trace by the brightest bicycle light in the world, and the cramping caused by running the entire way with a shovel flag that kept trying to fall apart. All of which became the final nail leading today’s beat down going from an intense feat of athletic stoicism featuring the Marsh’s newest mega coupon, an outrageously enormous tire (which has already been stolen after only 2 weeks and no opportunities to use it) to a casual, mumble-chatter filled , Shooter-less tabata session in which YHC’s perfectly apropos Halloween costume ideas for Akbar and Steve were blown apart by the awesomely anticipated Obi Wan Kenobi and Fat Sweat-Pants-wearing Spiderman costumes, featuing family coordination.



Steve covered the warm up while Q…uh…took care of some… business – returning in time to rock out some Imperial Walkers.


Tabata cycles of 4 sets of 20 seconds of reps with 10 seconds rest in between each set. Exercises included Merkins, LBCs, Lunges, Reverse Lunges, Reverse Crunches, Freddy Mercurys, Scorpion Kicks ans more Imperial Walkers.


Count, Name, Akbar prayed us out, and we are certainly blessed. This Halloween be sure to be on the lookout for Akbar and his light saber and Steve with his slice of pizza!

Gentlemen, thanks for posting and playing a few rounds of “Bushwacker says”. And Steve, thanks for the ride home…looks like I won’t need a knee replacement after all! (yet)