Total Tension
Total Tension

Total Tension

PAX:Reluctant Yankee, I love you, man, Angie’s List, Willie, Douille, Jingle Vader, and Voodoo (QIC)

7 pax met at the grassy knoll at the Fly on the Sunday after Thanksgiving for some Sweaty Bells. YHC’s plan was to introduce the pax to the Total Tension strength program that we completed recently in Area 51. Details can be found here:

After a brief disclaimer (maybe?), we circled up for a little instruction prior to the start of the workout. The first lesson: you need bigger bells. After that, we did a quick hard-style plank to get the feeling of the total body tension you’re supposed to be trying to achieve during this workout. Next, I explained the four exercises we’d be using today: the clean, the overhead press, the squat, and the renegade row. We partnered up by bell size (with one set of triplets due to the odd numbers).

The Thang:

  • Double clean x 1
  • Double press x 1
  • Double front squat x 1
  • Renegade row x 1 per side – a renegade row is when you plank on the bells and row one, then the other

Each round, increase the press reps by 1. The goal is to get to 6-8 presses before coming back down by one rep per round. If it’s too easy, you should increase the weight for the next workout.

The finisher: 100 double swings in sets of 10-25