Brick by Brick v.2
Brick by Brick v.2

Brick by Brick v.2

PAX:Popalock, Peppa, Sea Man, Angie's List, Willy, King Kong, Chowder, Douille, Landing Strip, 86, Mariah, Reluctant Yankee, Tender, Shocker, Blowout, iloveyouman, sandbar, quarterpipe, Brownbag, mulligan, Roots, El Wire


YHC was ready to start my 46th trip around the sun this morning with a beatdown in the gloom. Quick disclaimer and we were off on the running path for warmup mosey, the long way around to the band stand.

45 SSH IC, 20 Grassgrabbers IC, 20 windmills IC, 10 Self Love IC, 20 Peter Parkers IC, followed by 45 LBCs 4 count IC..

THANG 1 – BLIMPS at the lightpost intervals, followed by….another BLIMPS across magazine to the fountain.

THANG 2 – Thanks to some sunday recon by YHC’s 2.0s, the PAX were able to locate some brick coupons that had been stowed since August. These were a donation from pile in YHC’s neighbor’s yard. This particular neighbor is an accomplished writer, atheist curmudgeon and all-around new orleans character. I encourage the PAX to look him up, Don Spears and his most famous epistle – “In Search of Good P______.” P does not mean persimmons. The lord works in mysterious ways.

PAX paired up for CBGB (Curls, Brickbys, Goblet Squats, Brick-flys ), one PAX lifts while the other runs with the bricks up two lights and back and flapjack, until all PAX complete. Repeat.

THANG 3 – Mosey over to the wall. Dodo Bird (With two bricks assume the People’s Chair, brick in each hand and at rest down your sides is the default position. In cadence or OYO, (1) side shoulder raise [arms straight and lifted to the sides to shoulder height], (2) back to default, (3) front shoulder raise [arms straight and lifted in front of you to shoulder height],and Wonderbra (assume the People’s Chair position. Start with bricks close to body at chest level. Push bricks up over head fully extending arms, bring bricks back down to chest position, then push them straight out in front until complete arm extension reached. Return to starting position). 3 sets 3 each. 10 count between.

The PAX then “stashed” the bricks in an orderly fashion with the hopes they will again be there for the Skinny and Birdcage in upcoming weeks.

PAX then circled up in front of the fountain for some quick core work then back to the flag.


Countoff, name-o-rama, announcements and intentions. Thanks for the opportunity to Q