Unofficial Backblast for an Unofficial Beatdown
Unofficial Backblast for an Unofficial Beatdown

Unofficial Backblast for an Unofficial Beatdown

PAX:Akbar, Barely Legal, Bean, Bird, Bushwacker, Grover, Grundy, Hammer, The Manny, Maverick, Shooter, Six Pack (FNG), Steve, Tanked Up!, Waterpik

Wow, it’s been a while since YHC has logged onto this site (or even used the term, “YHC”).  The days are growing near when these backblasts will become just another (well, let’s be honest, bothersome) routine.   But… not yet.  

So this was the second weekend in a row where there was a bit of a (socially distanced) crowd out there.  (I know, tsk, tsk.)  But hey, I spotted two Mandy police cruisers drive by and they must’ve approved of our distance because no arrests were made.  

Usual 2 mile pre-thang to get things rolling, then onto:

Warmorama: Toe touches, WM, SSH, IW, hillbillies, seal jacks, bodybuilders, IC x15-20.

Thang: First up, a routine similar to an Iron Pax challenge, 4 rounds of:

  • 50 squats
  • 40 big boys
  • 30 merkins
  • 20 sister mary’s
  • 10 burpees

Then a run down Noah’s Ark to complete the round before returning to rinse & repeat.  

Grundy, Bush, and Tank took the lead on this one, though how Bushwacker did it so quickly with all his whining about sit-ups is beyond me.  (And Grundy might’ve done it a little too quickly, because he had to bow out with an ankle injury immediately after.)  Tank, after 30 days of consecutive Murphs (yeah, you read that correctly), breezed through this one. No surprise there.

Somewhere around this time, either Bean or Hammer initiated what I believe is called a “flying EH.”  Extremely rare in these parts, this is when someone in the Pax EH’s a guy who is passing by.  Bushwacker, the Northshore communications director, immediately took in James, made him feel at home, and explained all the lingo being slung around.

Next up, a COP:

  • High knees burpee wave, only two rounds to everyone’s surprise.
  • Next, hold Al Gore for a Bobby Hurley wave. (x3)
  • And finally, hold your ankles (welcome Six Pack!) for a monkey humper wave.  (x3)

Almost time to head back to the (for now) non-existent flag, but first a quick set of 11’s.  Quick, Shooter asks?!?  Why, yes, no bear crawls or lunges between sets!  And the guys did indeed knock out a set of freak nasties and merkins pretty quickly.

Back to the start for countdown, nameorama (welcome of Six Pack!), and Hammer prayed us out.  Guys, it was really good to lead again.  Thank you for the opportunity, for the camaraderie, for the push to be better.  SYITG.