Soggy Morning Beat Down
Soggy Morning Beat Down

Soggy Morning Beat Down

PAX:Akbar, Barely Legal, Bean , Bushwacker, Butt Splice, Goose, Grover, Grundy, Hammer, Maverick, Russo, Steve, Tanked Up, TurboTax, Waterpik, and Zoolander.

F3 Northshore officially is back in business. Sixteen PAX posted to the reopened Mandeville Lakefront Saturday morning for a beat down, and a soggy morning beat down it was.

After a Warmup consisting of:

Imperial Walkers 20x, Merkins 10x, Windmills 20x, Plank Jacks 20x, Copperhead Squats 20x, Mountain Climbers 20x, Hillbillies 20x, all IC, and with 10 Burpees OYO tacked on at the end

the PAX walked Eastward down the Lakefront for a bout of Dora 1-2-3

(It should be noted at this point that at least one PAX, namely Russo, was primed to mosey and visibly was disappointed in the walk. Apparently Russo has made good use of his COVID 19 break to become a runner. Don’t worry, Russo, you will have your chance to shine, and T claps to you for improving yourself while the rest of us have been eating ice cream on the couch. (And by “the rest of us,” I mean YHC)).

Back to the Dora 1-2-3:

We partnered up and together did 100 shoulder taps with feet elevated on the sea wall, 200 airplanes, and 300 OH hand claps, all with a four count and making our way to the street and back to relieve our partner by rotating low and slow side shuffles with 45 degree angled low and slow walks. This one ended up going on longer than YHC projected on account of the four count so we called it a bit early, right before Tanked Up’s head exploded from counting, and moved on down the Lakefront.

Circling up we did hit 10x hand release Merkins, 10x Nolan Ryans each side, 10x flutter kicks, 10 more hand release Merkins, 10x Jane Fondas each side, 10x wife pleasers (with Hammer demonstrating perfect form), 10x more more hand release Merkins, 10x jackhammers each side, and 10x Freddy Mercuries. Then it was time for a Merkins wave and an Al Gore hold/squat jump wave with Akbar wrapping us up each set at the magic number 113. 10 burpees OYO and then it was time to walk back towards the shovel flag.

Stopped along the sea wall for Bulgarian split squats 25x IC each leg. If you are sore today, thank Steve. YHC did not know these exercises existed until he introduced them and made them his standby exercise. So it’s Steve’s fault.

We then made our way back to the flag for a set of A-B-C-D abs and some final burpees.

Countorama, nameorama, and coffeeteria after Grundy prayed us out.

Great to be back in business. Thanks for letting me lead guys.