Bear Crawl Inch Worm & the Cicada Scare
Bear Crawl Inch Worm & the Cicada Scare

Bear Crawl Inch Worm & the Cicada Scare

PAX:Cowbell, Pixie Stix, Steve, Waterpik

With TS/Hurricane Sally on its way, there was no time to waste!


x10 IC:

Apple Grabbers, T Stretches, Toe Touches, Imperial Walkers, Windmills, High Knees


Starting at Lamarque/Livingston headed west down Livingston, the Pax lined up in plank position head to foot. Man at the 6 would bear crawl to the front of the line and so on until we reached the light post around mid-block. At home with bear crawls, QIC didn’t really consider how taxing this mission would be on the shoulders on account of all dat plankin’! Almost at the finish, as Pixie was bear crawling along, his hand came too close to an unseen cicada and it cried out in alarm with the loud noise that cicadas make, scaring the bajeezus out of Pixie ( and bringing about a round of belly chuckles from the crowd).

At the light, we proceeded to indian run the rest of the way around the block, back to the bb court. There we retrieved Steve’s newly deposited cinderblocks (let’s see how long this batch lasts), and lined up at one ended of the court.

The PAX did suicides where upon each return to the base line we did 1 block burpee/squat thruster. Next round was goblet squat/kettle bell swing. We continued between the 2 increasing by 1 rep each round up to three reps.


x20 IC:

Little Manny Wife Pleasers, Flutter Kicks, Leg Raises, Heel Pulses, Putins


After count and name off, Pixie Stix prayed us out.

Thanks for coming out and following this fool. Stay safe out there guys!