The dynamic duo at the A1C!
The dynamic duo at the A1C!

The dynamic duo at the A1C!

QIC:Jose 10k
PAX:Jose 10k, BBQ

All week I heard about the low turnout to the beatdowns, but I was positive that I could get some out to the A1C. Maybe it was the weather, maybe it was Corona, maybe it was the current state of affairs, or maybe it was my breath? It was just me at 4:45 doing laps, getting in an extra workout for the 75 hard ( which is a pain in the ass), waiting on the arrival of somebody to join me in the chill. Holy crazy BBq batman, he showed up! I knew my partner in crime, my side kick would show. The dynamic duo was back together, ready to kick butt at the A1C. It was a Tobata morning, 45 seconds of an exercise, with 15 second break. We did it round robin style (get it, Batman and Robin. I crack myself up). Merkans, leg raises, squats, lunges, scorpion kicks, lbc’s, hillbillies, and other exercises back and forth. The conversations were great, the exercises were great. And as BBQ stated, if you start with F3, your day is off to a great start. See y’all in the gloom.

P.S-whatever your reason for not making it out to a beatdown this week, I get it and understand. However, we are stronger and better together. Let’s try and post at least once during the week men. God Bless and Happy Friday.