5 Years Of Brotherhood, Bonding and Burpees – from Belloq
5 Years Of Brotherhood, Bonding and Burpees – from Belloq

5 Years Of Brotherhood, Bonding and Burpees – from Belloq


I woke up at 4:20 to a very special day. Eagerly got ready and made the 21-minute drive from the Lakefront to Audubon Park where I have only been to the The Birdcage once to celebrate our 6 Year Convergence last year. How appropriate that I celebrate the start of my 5th year where F3 NOLA truly planted it’s flag and grew? To my delight, I saw both Reluctant Yankee (site Q) and King Kong (Q last time I was at this AO) in the gloom so my confidence in help if needed was growing as I was beginning the disclaimer promptly at 5:29.

My standard disclaimer expanded to tell the PAX why today was special…Biegnet’s (Matthew Joubert’s) 17th birthday, start of his Senior Year at Jesuit and my 5-Year Manniversary. The looks from the PAX was telling that many didn’t know who this foreigner was and wondered if I was going to talk the rest of the work out so we began…

Moseyed to the field across Magazine.

As I could see the confused faces of most of the PAX as they were still wondering who the hell was this guy, who allowed him to Q and how have they not met me if I have been around for 5 years. I decided to introduce myself by asking the PAX to circle up on me.

8-Count Body Builders IC X 20 (I could tell I would be popular from this choice moving forward)
Arm circles front and back IC X16
Seal claps IC X 20
Overhead presses IC X 20
Overhead arm claps IC x20
Moroccan nightclub IC X 16 (dancing was allowed and welcomed)

Initially my plan was to honor Shorty’s workout which had 16 reps but I screwed up the whole process because for the first time ever in the history of F3…8-count arm circles were performed.

I then walked over to complete the circle for our final warm-up
Low slow squats IC X 20

The Thang

Ring of fire Merkins/Plank switching to Monkey Humpers/Al Gore X 3 Rounds

PAX became talkative so I threw in 10 Burpees

Ring of fire Catalina Wine Mixers/Plank and Bonnie Blairs/Al Gores X 1 Round

10 Merkins, sprint to first tree, return to start for 10 Merkins, sprint to second tree, rinse and repeat to 5 trees out.

PAX was less talkative so we did 10 burpees as a reward.

Traditional Belloq Core Routine: (Borrowed from Jeff Cavalier)
Halos Clockwise 30s
Halos Counterclockwise 30s
Reverse Corkscrew 60s
Dynamic Plank 60s
Chainsaw 60s
Slow, controlled Big Boy Situps 60s

Cool down

Slow 8-count bodybuilders x 5 IC
Stretch to sky with hands in air breathing deeply.
Really, Really Slow Abe Vigodas IC X 5
Touch toes

Mosey back to the flag

15 PAX
Intentions for children, families and everyone dealing with going back to school. Giving strength to F3 Brothers in need of a friend(s) to lean on if they need support.

A special thanks to Rudy for gifting me the greatest F3 name ever, Jingle Vader, Cowbell, Shorty, Bubba and Douille for being there for my initiation into the F3 brotherhood.

“Btw, worst FNG naming process was held in the gloom today. Took over 10 min. Seems like none of us were on topic at all.” -Shorty’s BB 8/11/2016

To start year 6, I’ll be back at Okawata for my Manniversary. Consider this an early invite. SYITG