For Gabby – Kicking Covid 19 in the Teeth – from Hokie
For Gabby – Kicking Covid 19 in the Teeth – from Hokie

For Gabby – Kicking Covid 19 in the Teeth – from Hokie

PAX:Hokie, Kenna Brah, Crab Grass

3 Pax enjoyed the pleasant morning temps, low humidity, gentle breeze and The View!

Unfortunately we were missing our Q du Jour, Gabby, as he is down with Covid, so I decided to step up, step in and honor him by a Covid 19 beatdown.

Warm ups
SSH x 19
Arm circles forward x 19
Arm circles backwards x 19
Low slow squats x 19

The Thang
Since this is the 4th surge, we will complete 4 rounds with 4 stops

1. Start at the street
19 slow shoulder presses with the coupon focusing on form to make Triple Shift proud

2. Rifle carry up path to the top where we stopped for 19 cross over merkins, ensuring our chest made contact with the block.

3. Rifle carry down the levee path to the lake front path and stop to admire The View with 19 curls. Once again focusing on form, straight back, no sway, block making contact with thighs and chest.

4. Rifle carry back up levee path where on top we stopped for 19 chest presses. Slow again focusing on full extension at top and elbows making contact with the path at the bottom.

Rifle carry back to the street to complete Round 1.

Rinse & repeat as a group for 4 rounds since this is the 4th surge.

Oh, this is the View, so, to make Frac proud, we did Burpees as planes went over head… 5, then 5, then 5,….then 4 for 19 😉

We are stronger for having done this!

COT – we lifted up Gabby and all those who are sick, including Covid and Cancer (Thoughts & prayers to T Square and his M!!!)

We also gave gratitude for F3, our current leadership and those who will show up Tuesday night to investigate potentially stepping up as part of our Shared Leadership Team moving forward!