Lundi Gras and Mental Gymnastics – from Percleator
Lundi Gras and Mental Gymnastics – from Percleator

Lundi Gras and Mental Gymnastics – from Percleator

PAX:Cardinal, Paradox, Kilo, Goose, Pope, Coyote

YHC had some fresh ideas to keep the PAX on their toes this morning. The exercises included some references to Mardi Gras and some tasks that required everyone to be awake and alert (YHC hopping that some PAX were hung over from parades).

PAX: Cardinal, Paradox, Goose, Pope, Coyote, Kilo, Percleator

SSH, WM, HK, AC, Chinooks (called here “throw me somethin mista”), CP, IW
A good warm up Indian run around the neighborhood (the Sweat Loop?) w/ 7 big boys before the sprint. Indian run devolved into an all out foot race on the last leg. YHC loves this energy so no penalties were given.

PAX arrived back at the Stage for 3 rounds of 21s. 21 SSH in unison but only the first 5 were counted out loud. If PAX stopped at 21, an easy exercise. If anyone went over, a punishment exercise for all.
1st round: squats x10 or squat jumps x15
2nd: Merkins x10 or Derkins x15
3rd: Plank Jacks x 15 or Burpees x 10

Lucky for the PAX everyone kept the count. Coyote was especially lazer focused. YHC tried to force a punishment but didn’t have the heart.

“Memory Game”
PAX stood in wide circle performing a repetitive exercise (SSH, high knees, Moroccan night clubs, hold Al Gore) . One member runs to middle of circle and performs 3 reps of any exercise. Next member does three reps of that exercise and adds 3 reps of another exercise. Each member must preform the string of exercises from memory and add another. No talking or counting. Mumblechatter to a minimum.
This was a trial run for the concept. First round was no stakes. Just see how long we could do it. Then if PAX couldn’t go all the way around once, a punishment exercise. There were also plans to punish the one who goofed up, but that ended up being YHC… YHC would be honored if other PAX might take this routine and tweek to make it better.

Played Iko Iko by The Dixie Cups
Hold plank position, when you hear “hey now” do a merkin, “Iko Iko” or “Jackamo” perform mountain climbers until phrase is over.

Partnered up. PAX 1 bear crawled down field. PAX 2 sprinted in same direction, touch cement, turn around, run until you touch cement again, turn around, catch your partner. Then switch so that the crawl is done as a team, the full length of the field, there and back. Luckily for the PAX there was just time for one round because alligator walks were next.

Mary: Nolan Ryans, American Hammers, Crunchy Frogs

COT and Goose prayed us out.
It brings YHC much joy when others seem to like being the guinea pigs.
Thanks for the opportunity to lead.