Coupon Love – from Goose
Coupon Love – from Goose

Coupon Love – from Goose

PAX:Goose, Paradox, Tighty Whitey, Paradiddle, Elmer's

YHC was too lazy to unload the coupons from the truck after yesterday, so we used them again this morning. A lot.
PAX: Paradox, Paradiddle, Elmer’s, Tighty Whitey, and Goose

Warmup: SSH, WM, AC, IW, SL, all while staring at the ominous pile of blocks on top of the hill.

Thang 1: Hazy 8’s
Partnered up at the bottom of the hill for three rounds of the following:

-Round 1: Partner 1 did 8-count body builders until Partner 2 rifled carried his block up the hill, did 12 overhead presses, and carried it back down. Flapjack.

-Round 2: Partner 1 did figure 8’s (swing coupon around and through the legs in a figure 8, switching hands; like with a basketball, but it’s heavy concrete with sharp corners–many jokes about clearance), while Partner 2 ran to the cross at the top of the other hill and completed 10 genuflections before running back. Flapjack.

-Round 3: Partner 1 did Dr. W’s (8-count ab exercise–look it up), while Partner 2 did Block and Bear (bear crawl while dragging the block between the legs/arms every few steps) up the hill and ran down. Flapjack.

Thang 2: Indian Running with a Rifle

PAX lined up for an Indian Run, but the man in front kept a block overhead in rifle carry position until the last man in line did 5 merkins and caught up to relieve him. It was great. We’ll definitely revisit that one.

Thang 3: Bridge of Coupon Hate, Tunnel of Coupon Love

-Round 1: PAX on their backs, shoulder to shoulder, handed all five blocks over, conveyor belt style, back and forth a few times.

-Round 2: PAX got shoulder to shoulder in plank position and pulled the coupons through the tunnel with one hand, and then back through with the other. Rinse and Repeat three times.

We filled the last 5 minutes with Colt 45’s, Bolt 45’s (15 curls/goblet squats respectively from mid to high, 15 low to mid, and 15 low to high) and some Mary: gas pumps, LBC’s, wife pleasers, Australian sweat angels, and Scuba Steve’s.

COT with lots of details on the upcoming St. Vincent 500 (Aug. 12-13 at The Stage) and lots of sizable prayer intentions. Tighty prayed us out.
It was an awesome experience breaking these guys into some new coupon work and grinding them out together. Thanks for joining, fellas!

See You in the Gloom,