All Aboard the Nostalgia Train – from Paradox
All Aboard the Nostalgia Train – from Paradox

All Aboard the Nostalgia Train – from Paradox

PAX:Goose, Tighty Whitey, Yankee Joe

Louisiana summers always remind YHC of a childhood formed by endless pool days and blockbuster movie nights. (RIP video stores and God bless my parents for raising us in the pre streaming/iPad parenting era). Nothing better than rolling into the blockbuster with 5 bucks and having to make a single VHS selection with your siblings. Eyes still hazy with chlorine you scanned the not age-appropriate aisles and left with questions but always depended on the classics to take you home. Bring that baby to the counter, get reminded to “be kind and rewind” and you were just a trip to Pizza Hut away from a golden night in 1995. All of which suggests a list of what I consider to be the most formative movies during my upbringing, and we shall honor them today.

A muggy yet comfortable Peltch met 4 PAX eager to get stronger. After a few flex sessions in our new shirts, we were ready to roll.

The usual suspects and some cardio cleansers to get the furnace rolling. Tighty Whitey with a very respectable 6:03 arrival, Tclaps.
SSH, GG, IW, WM, AC, Cherry Pickers, Mountain Climbers
With a mosey to the Thunderdome we were all aboard the Nostalgia Train, transporting us back to the simpler times of our childhood…

SpaceJam (1996) Fighting Monstars with MJ
YHC rolled into the thunderdome in a blind panic realizing after a recent billing snafu my apple music account was not operating. Full tunnel vision set in as YHC planned humming the tune of the Space Jam theme song while an awkward 4 minutes passed by. Mumblechatter rose to a crescendo and some even blasphemed that there was trouble in JBL paradise. Goose stepped in and restored order to the beatdown with a Youtube recommendation and neurologic function returned to baseline. Its not lost on YHC that during the great Bluetooth wars of 2022 Team Anker could have used this situation for advantage but chose grace instead. There could be peace talks soon.

Song -SpaceJam Theme Song via Youtube- Side shuffle suicides with a jump shot on SLAM and JAM. Followed by Ring of Fire Incline Merkins till we got to 96 (Space Jam Released in 1996). Yankee Joe correctly selected 1996 and seemed to have a knack for Year of movie selections for the entire beatdown.
Mosey to Chimney and a great discussion about the definition of mumblechatter in all its forms.

Ghostbusters (1984) Conquering our Foes with Science
Song Ghostbusters by Ray Park: – Burpees on “GhostBusters”, IW on the rest of the song. Goose informed us that this was not Ray Park who became Darth Maul but actually Ray Park that did absolutely nothing else and we pondered how much he got in royalties from that gem.
Partner up 200 Mountain climbers while partner does Zombie walks to the chimney and back.

Homeward Bound (1992) Build the Bond, then put it to the test
Partner up and completed 10 partner leg raises each x10, 3 rounds.
Partner team went shoulder to shoulder for 10 step in lock step lunges then 10 merkins/10 squats while keeping tempo with your partner to chimney and back.

Mosey to baseball Field via an Indiana Jones Temple of Doom run. The Last man in the Indian run drops off for 3 bonnie blairs then runs to catch up. After he “flattens” the pax, they all complete 5 merkins then repeat till we made it to the baseball field.

Jurassic Park (1993) Hold on to your Butts!
Partner up and one man does monkey humpers while the other does Trex lunges arond the bases. YHC intended these to be more of a skip but poor explanations had the PAX with full form lunges and everyones quads were gone pecan. (YHC was taught this phrase over the weekend and still figuring out how to use it)

Mosey back to the flag and Yankee proclaimed He would not be endorsing YHCs dinosaur park!

Just enough time for a little Extra Mary on the feast of her Immaculate Heart
Dolphin Hops, Nolan Ryans, LBCs, Sweat Angels, Scuba Steve, Big Boys, Bicycles
Announcement: Tuesdays now at Schriever Park at 6am, St. Vincent 500 registrations and station sponsorships

Prayer Intentions
COT and Yankee Joe prayed us out

Great effort and some top notch mosey discussions today fellas, enjoyed it. Thanks for accommodating my schedule and allowing me to lead.