Praying for a Pickle by Piccadilly  – from Goose
Praying for a Pickle by Piccadilly – from Goose

Praying for a Pickle by Piccadilly – from Goose

PAX:#Enron #GI Joe #Paradox #Goose #Tana #Yankee Jeaux #Paradox #French Horn #Superfun(d)

It was a beautiful and perfect morning at the Pelch as YHC anxiously arrived to deliver good long overdue VQ. If any of you have listened to the podcast on the first Q webpage, link will be at the bottom, I’m the guy he speaks of at the end. I’ve been coming to F3 for some time now and never had my Virgin Q, I allowed it to get in my head and I kept pushing it away for no good reason. Like me, I hope the PAX that attended enjoyed our time together this morning as much as I did.

Thanks to Enron for the drawing board, Tana for the cones and SONOS for the gut shot as she decided to not wake up this morning. She’ll be back to redeem herself…promise you that. As I got over SONOS not connecting, I wiped the tear from my eye and gathered the PAX to get started. It was also a pleasant surprise to have G.I. Joe grace us with his presence this morning. For many of us that was our first beatdown together. Enjoy suffering in the soreness tomorrow with me!!

Warm o Rama –
Arm circles
Cherry pickers
Grass grabbers with clap
Self love
High knees
Butt kicks

Indian run to thunder dome…start EMOM timer-5 kraken burpees at every 5 minute interval.

As YHC dealt with covid this past week, he completely fell off the wagon with Exodus 90 as he didn’t want to add any more suffering to the misery. I now wish I would have sucked it up buttercup. The evil one has no boundaries when it comes to him battling to separate us from the LORD! I needed this song and the PAX to suffer with me during it to get me back on track…

Thang #1 Kraken burpees= burpee with 3 hand release push ups at the bottom

Come Follow Me – Brother Isaiah 5:20
Air squats during verse-1st half song
Kraken burpees during chorus
Plank during verse-2nd half

Mosey to field…

Thang #2 – BC=bear crawl, KE=karaoke

Introduction to one of my favorite sports, acronyms to bring the pain. My intention was to do 2 rounds of this but time didn’t allow. It was delightful yet painful as YJ respectfully reminded those, including me, of our impeccable form during this session.

P-20 pickle pounders BC 10 yds Nur back
I-10 inch worms KE 20 yds Nur back
C-10 captain Thors 1BBS 4 American hammers/2 is 1, 30 yds BC Nur back
K-10 kraken burpees 40 yds KE Nur back
L-20 LBC 50 yds BC Nur back
E-empty wheelbarrows, partner up, crabwalk w partner holding feet up 60 yds KE
B-20 Bonnie Blair’s 70 yds KE Nur
A-20 air squats 80 yds KE Nur
L-lunges 90 yds Nur back
L-5 LL Cool J’s alternating lunges burpee then jump squat KE Nur

Mosey to tennis court…

Thang #3

A little teaser to the sport that no other sport has come close to the amount of fun PICKLEBALL delivers. I hope to find time in the future to play again with the PAX.

Group 1&2
Pickleball rally points to 3
Winner 5 burpees, loser court suicides
If you weren’t playing you were planking.

Thanks for the support and comradery as we sledged through Dilly’s VQ! I look forward to future Qs bring out in me and the PAX!!

