The Ab Ladder  – from Enron
The Ab Ladder – from Enron

The Ab Ladder – from Enron

PAX:Enron, Goose, Superfun(d), Wiford Montana

YHC pulled up to The Stage at 5:05 with nervous anticipation for what was to come on this chilly Tuesday. There were no hard commits on the GroupMe from the night prior, so attendance was an all-out guess. In previous talks with a couple members of the PAX, a discussion had come up that an all core/ab-work beatdown has not been done lately, if ever, with the Thibodaux PAX. Therefore, YHC felt a calling to create something that would address this challenge, and from there the “ab ladder” was born. The waiting game for the remaining PAX to arrive had YHC second guessing if today’s plans may be too Tuff for Tuesday Tuff, but it was too late to make any adjustments. Even though his M, a nurse and previous kinesiology major, confirmed the abdominal intensity may just be a bit much. This came after she rolled her eyes from seeing the kid’s easel being stolen for beatdown creation…. again. Slowly the group started to arrive, not letting the colder than usual morning deter them from their fate of stomach hurting sneezes, laughs, and all-around torso pain. 3 men ready to roll arrived and circled up to start.

As a great author once wrote. Duke, roll that beautiful bean footage:

Warmup: SSH, IW, Windmills, Willie Mays Hayes, AC, Cherry Pickers, Self-Love – most with a cadence that was longer than normal due to the attempt to delay the inevitable.

Thang 1: Just a regular mile run – this was originally going to be a “core work” mile with stops every quarter mile to partake in different forms of ab exercises, but with the prior concern of overexertion on abs, “we just started run-n”. YHC enjoyed the ability to partake in some chatter with the PAX instead of the usual sucking of wind by the second half of the mile.

Thang 2: The Ab Ladder (all exercises were written on an easel for reference as the thang progressed) each exercise was completed in order, adding the next to the list each round after completing a lap around the stage (about 0.1 of a mile)

5 – Merkins
10 – BBSU
15 – Pickle Pounders
20- J-Lo’s
25 – Leg Raises (as Tana and Superfun(d) made clear, these were the beginning to the end of the fun)
30 – Penguins (1=1)
35 – Freddie Mercuries (2=1)
40- LBCs
45- Flutter Kicks (2=1)
50 seconds of 6 inch hold (the PAX was just short of getting to this one before time was called)

COT and Tana prayed us out. It was a great morning in the gloom and YHC is so thankful to be surrounded by such an amazing group of men.

