Show Up and Find Out – from Smooth Operator
Show Up and Find Out – from Smooth Operator

Show Up and Find Out – from Smooth Operator

QIC:Smooth Operator
PAX:French Horn, Goose, Paradox, Wilford Montana, Yankee Joe, Pope, Paradiddle

Show Up And Find Out

Paradiddle, Pope, Goose, Paradox, Yankee Joe, Tana, French Horn, Smooth Operator

After sending some slightly inebriated cryptic pictures as beat down hype, YHC was not sure what kind of turn out to expect. YHC showed up at the Den around 0415 to do a little levee scouting and rack up the ruck mileage for our May challenge. Around 0440, Paradox and YJ pulled into the parking lot and started pounding the pavement making circles around the reservoir. Pope and Goose were the next to arrive around 0450 and had the same intentions. 75% of the Smoothie Kings completed a mile and headed back to the flag. Tana arrived next along with French Horn, and Paradiddle seemed to appear out of thin air.

Alright warm ups went like this:

Side Straddle Hops
Wind Mills
High Knees
Butt Kicks
Arm Circles
Self Love

Yankee Joe like worrying about odd numbers so I threw in a 27 count of side straddle hops to make his noggin start hurting.

I picked 3 people with a special connection to May 18th that I felt exemplified the 3 F’s of F3 and I broke them down into 3 Thangs. I also decided it would be a makeshift guessing game. So let’s get to it.

Thang 1 (Faith)
The first guy’s birthday was May 18th 1920.
Through his Papacy he worked toward ending communism and building bridges to people of different religions.
He was also a big fan of skiing.
He is St. Pope John Paul the 2nd.
Ole Yankee Joe got it right

From the flag we went ahead and started with an Indian run which the last guy would be doing 5 genuflections while we ran 1 ½ times around the reservoir levee. From here we would be doing some levee climbing.

We went ahead and did 10 Carolina Dry Docks on top the levee. Ran down the levee and did 10 WW2 sit ups. All of this took place on the front side of the reservoir between the reservoir and Hwy 20 for advertising purposes. All in all we completed between 5 and 6 sets and we moseyed to the baseball field.

Thang 2 (Fitness)
Our second guy’s special connection to May 18th was a little different. On May 18th 2004, This 40 year old threw MLB’s 17th perfect game.
He was a 5 time Cy Young award winner and won a World Series with the Diamondbacks.
He was also a member of the 300 win club and a 1st ballot hall of farmer.
He is Randy Johnson
French Horn got this one correct and knew a lot more about the big unit than anyone else did. T-Claps buddy.

In honor of his perfect game we would run around the bases 27 times in sets of 6. In between sets we would be doing 10 Chuck Norris style merkins. Around lap 24 or 25 YHC had to call it due to time purposes. It was definitely not due to the stars and black dots that had started clouding YHC’s vision. After this we moseyed back to the flag to find out who our final May 18th guy would be.

Thang 3(Fellowship)
As DJ YJ set up the speaker for YHC, we started talking about another man born on May 18th. His birth year was 1952.
He was dubbed the King of Country Music. After this one a lot of guess started flying. I heard Hank Williams, Alan Jackson, Merle Haggard, Johnny Cash. All wrong.
He had 60 #1 hits over a 30 year period.
He is George Straight.
French Horn got this one correct also. Looks like that college education is paying off buddy.

The first musical work out would be to the song Fireman by King George. Whenever the PAX would hear “They call me the Fireman” We would switch gears from mountain climbers to merkins.

2nd musical work out would be the song Murder on Music Row by Alan Jackson and George straight. This workout would be done similar to the first song but the switch would be done on the phrase “music row”. The two workout were WW2 sit ups and Heels to heaven.

After this song YHC called it at 0559. I had another musical work out planned, but it worked out for the best “A love without end, Amen” would have probably been a little awkward between ole Goose and Pope. From here we counted off one short due to Paradox cutting out 5 minutes early. We had announcements and Tana prayed us out.

Total count for the May challenge was 150 Merkins, 100 WW2 sit ups, and 2 miles run.

P.S. Around lap 18 or 20 of running the bases is when YHC realized that he was surrounded by 7 certified beasts. Y’all keep up the good work fellas. I hope one day I can get to y’all level of fitness.
