Hangin Tough by Honeysuckle – from Yankee Joe
Hangin Tough by Honeysuckle – from Yankee Joe

Hangin Tough by Honeysuckle – from Yankee Joe

QIC:Yankee Joe
PAX:Piccadilly, Enron, Goose, Pope, Paradiddle, Safety Valve, America’s Best, Hypotenuse

A smooth operator once told YHC that your VQ is no big deal – just get it done. YHC thinks this would be true, any year other than 2023 and any F3 other than Thibodaux. We so often get to hear Yankee Kiper, Jr wax poetic about the draft class. And the VQs from that class have the bar set pretty high. So after one false start a few weeks ago, it was finally time to get it done.

Paradiddle arrived very early, and Enron wasn’t far behind. So we got in at least one Jurpee prior to anything happening. Diddle probably got several in as he Jurped right into Warmarama.

Warmarama: side straddle hops, imperial walkers, toy soldiers, arm circles one direction then the other direction, cherry pickers, self love, willie mays hayes, maybe not in that order. Or maybe in that order.


1 Jurpee OYO. This was to provide the PAX a parting gift in case the VQ bombed.

A little background on one thang of the first thang

Enron’s Outlive-inspired Q continues to inspire, so ever since YHC had to type in YHC’s name into the spreadsheet for the VQ rather than use a dropdown box, the one seed around which the workout would be built was: grip. Backing up a little, YHC has been so focused on running that the numerous other aspects of fitness were not being maintained. That is where F3 found YHC, and while YHC is unable to complete a warmarama alone due to boredom, when it is done with the group, YHC finds it enjoyable. Now the focus is shifting to “training for life” -the things we need to be able to do to enjoy life, hopefully for a long time. While running helps with Zone 2 and V02 max, we also need functional strength, of which grip is one main component. Opening jars, grabbing onto something to avoid a fall, etc. One way to help with grip, among other things, is by simply hanging from a bar.

So once “Hang Tough” became the core, it was like watching a slow moving train wreck as the overall theme fell into place. It was unfortunately inevitable what this VQ would become.

First thang

That overall theme was Boy Bands. From the 80’s, 90’s, and Today. The first thang would be done in pairs and have multiple stations, with a rotation every minute. Today, the EMOM also stood for Every Menudo on the Menudo. PAX would go around the circuit in One Direction and stay in Sync with their partner. While the temperature was not 98 Degrees anymore, it was still warm enough outside so that we’d all get a good sweat in.

–Side shuffle the length of the pickleball court fence, Bobby Hurley when you change direction
–Bonnie Blairs
–Merkins on the block – Really a decline merkin (Derkin) with feet on the playground border (maybe 1 ft elevation). Not sure if anyone had new Keds today but that would have been cool.
–Apollo Onos
–Hang Tough – Hang for the minute on the monkey bars
–Moroccan Nightclubs

There was probably a general expectation that today would have lots of running, but YHC instead wanted to encourage endurance for these exercises. Hang Tough certainly required mental and physical endurance (and in today’s case aural endurance, especially for those whose ears were still in their Musical Youth). But as each exercise was for a time duration rather than a rep count, YHC wanted the PAX to find a pace for all exercises, the Bonnie Blairs and Merkins in particular, so that they could be done for the entire minute.

While boy band music played, the EMOM transitions were marked by the current song pausing and the appearance of NKOTB singing “Step By Step, Oooooh Baby”. While this was heard way too many times this morning, I like to think it had a positive connotation in that it meant the current minute was over. YMMV. But between the exercises and the music, these were likely the longest minutes of the PAXs’ collective lives.

Songs: Hangin Tough (New Kids on the Block), Larger than Life (Backstreet Boys), Bye Bye Bye (*NSYNC), Give Me Just One Night (Una Noche) (98 degrees), Boy With Luv (BTS). If anyone needs me to sign something to get your Spanish CEUs for the 98 degrees song, just let me know. I’m not certified to give out Korean CEUs yet.

The PAX, through much physical, mental, and lyrical anguish, completed all 18 minutes of the EMOM, which meant three visits to every station. Goose brought the fire. Pope brought the desire. Valve brought the belief. Hypotenuse said it was nothing. AB didn’t have heartache. Enron said it wasn’t a mistake. Dilly never made me tell him why. And Diddle wanted it that way.

And they still wanted more.

So we moved to the running part, which was simply 1.5 laps around the Civic Center. I was All for One, but since we were at the playground there was no way getting around getting the extra half in. YHC still has some kinks to work out with the speaker+phone combo, as the EMOM music started up a couple times during the run giving the PAX PTSD. Also during the run, Diddle wowed the crowd by removing the Animal to reveal the GiGi. Now that is some stage presence and YHC knows a solo career is coming which will ultimately break up the band, until the reunion tour 20 years later.

Now, back at the Lion, at the Boyz 2 Men station. YHC noted that Boy Bands have made and continue to make many contributions to the world. One of the major contributions is their step by step instructions to achieve a goal. So, we were going to write a boy band song in the remaining few minutes.

The first question is, how do you turn Boyz to Men? Manmakers, of course. YHC produced two coupons out of the gloom. Going back to our five “pairs” from earlier, one pair at a time does 8 manmakers while the rest of the PAX does some exercise. After the pair doing manmakers finishes, they call the next pair up and then name the next exercise for the PAX as our next step.

The way it started was: YHC called pair 1 up for manmakers, and announced Step 1 was flutter kicks for everyone else. In the end, the steps were:

Step 1: Flutter Kicks
Step 2: V ups
Step 3: Freddy Mercurys
Step 4: LBCs
Step 5: Dying Cockroach
Step 6: Recover. And that’s the way you do it!

Animal went to Hypotenuse, due to his consistent posting and hard work. And given two perpendicular lines, he can make it right, and that makes him larger than life.

Gigi went to America’s Best for having the right stuff when it comes to memes in the group chat.

Much appreciation for the VQ support today, fellas!!
