What’s an ARK? – F3 Greenwood  – from Enron
What’s an ARK? – F3 Greenwood – from Enron

What’s an ARK? – F3 Greenwood – from Enron

PAX:Piccadilly, Paradox, Maneater, Jackknife, YankeeJeaux, Americas Best, Honey Suckle, Pope, Safety Valve , Lil' Cuz

YHC has been struggling with a cold/cough this past month so preparations for a Q were limited. Not calling out a certain PCP though… Anyways, some digging into record books was needed to pull out something that would be worthwhile for the PAX’s never-ending desire for pain. F3 Greenwood and their IPC have always seemed to have the ticket to putting things at a level that seems achievable on paper but once in action seems worthwhile to have stayed home. After researching backblast the plan was settled. The hype was sent out and on we went.

10 PAX showed up to the den ready to roll.

SSH, Windmills, IW, Willie Mays Hayes, AC, MC, Self-Love, Mosey around the Civic center.

The Thang:
Noah was told by God to build an Ark. To do this, Noah had to pick out the right trees and cut them down.

Gathering Lumber
3 rounds
1 minute Al Gore (Tree Hugger) – These minute(s) seemed to get longer and longer as we went. Paradox’s chatter could be heard from the other end of the line.
10 Chopping Wood Lunges
Once the lumber was gathered, Noah started building the Ark. God directed Noah to build the Ark to very specific dimensions (300 cubits by 30 cubits by 50 cubits).

Building the A.R.K.
Alternating Shoulder Taps Merkins x 300
Reverse Crunches x 30 (AB, these were not gas pumps despite what the remainder of the PAX had to say about the air down on the other end of the field)
Karaoke x 50
The pax partnered up to build the Ark. Pax 1 drops to the plank position and starts Alternating shoulder tap Merkins. Pax #2 Mosey 50 yards and drops to do 30 reverse crunches then Karaoke back and swap out.

In Genesis 7:8, the Ark has been built so the animals start coming in by twos for Noah to load onto the boat.

Animals 2 by 2
AMRAP until time is called.
Start with 2 reps for each station and add 2 each time you move to the next station.
4 Stations
Station 1 – Crunchy Frog
Station 2 – Monkey Humpers
Station 3 – Dolphin Hops – Yes, Dolphins on a boat, it makes sense because they were hopping
Station 4 – Penguins
PAX choice to, Bear Crawl, Crab walk, or Duck walk between Stations.
“Recover” called at 6:00

Announcements for the upcoming Run Cajun Run event in February as well as the upcoming ACTs retreat.
COT and Piccadilly prayed us out. Excellent work on a tough beatdown from F3 Greenwood.

Till next time,