7-11 – from Safety Valve
7-11 – from Safety Valve

7-11 – from Safety Valve

QIC:Safety Valve
PAX:Goose, Pope, Americas best, Wet tap, Safety Valve

The iconic convenience store 7-11 has many similarities to our own 7s and 11s workouts. Always available, usually easy to find and come up with, and can get a multitude of things in a very quick visit. Since most of F3 thibodaux has come to expect some sort of cardio running Q from YHC, things had to be shaken up. How can YHC build a workout that we run or nur for 2 miles while not seeming like we are actually running? 7-11 is the answer.

Imperial walkers
Toy soldiers
Willy Mae’s Hayes
Arm circle forward and back
Cherry pickers

Man makers and merkins
Nur as the mode of transport

Recovery mosey around the track.

Coupon press and jump squats
Run as the mode of transport

Recovery mosey around the track.

Thrusters and LBCs
Nur as the mode of transport

Recovery mosey around the track.

Curls and Burpees
Run as the mode of transport

This circuit brought us to end right at 6am. COT, intentions and Wet tap prayed us out. Goose VESTED YHC for the no skimp thruster form.

Final thoughts:
Often, we start getting comfortable with things in life. Comfort does not allow for growth. As Goose puts it “we do not deserve comfort!” Most recent beatdowns have excluded coupon work, and YHC has been enjoying the body weight and running side of life. It’s easier for me. In the earlier stages in F3 Thibodaux, YHC quickly found that thrusters and man makers were not his jam. They were tough, and at one point YHC said he would never incorporate those into any of his Q workouts. Well… that’s because YHC was soft then. F3 Thibodaux has since made me want that uncomfortable feeling because I know that’s when growth happens. Whether physical, emotional, or spiritual we have to go through those difficult times to learn about ourselves and overcome the struggle. So, keep struggling because it means good things will come out of it in the end. Great to lead this group. Thanks for showing up and working hard.