Bare bones backblast  – from Russo
Bare bones backblast – from Russo

Bare bones backblast – from Russo

PAX:Russo, Steve

Back to the good grind after what felt like months away this morning. Great weather in the low 50s, and good chatter with Steve as YHC jumps back into a normal routine.

Warmup (all 10x)
– good mornings
– Self love
– Seal jacks
– Grass grabbers
– Cherry pickers
– Imperial walkers

No real rhyme or rhythm this morning, just laps around Granny’s, starting at the benches where it was 10x (mostly IC):
Freak Nastys
Step ups (2 is 1)
BSSs (2 is 1)

Over to the pilot house for 3 calf raises each step, then lunges from start to garbage can, followed by a short bear crawl, and a straightaway back pedal.

Rinse and repeat 3 or so more times all of it, and you have an idea of our morning accomplishments.

Mary (all 15x IC)
– LMCs
– gas pumps
– Flutter kicks
– crunchy frogs

COT, NOR, Announcements, Prayer, in that order. Prayer focused on our family and friends that we continue to lift up.