Why Do Today What You Can Put Off Until Tomorrow? – from Steve
Why Do Today What You Can Put Off Until Tomorrow? – from Steve

Why Do Today What You Can Put Off Until Tomorrow? – from Steve

PAX:Russo, Steve

Well, for starters, because you’re gonna forget half your backblast. Kids, don’t procrastinate – write your backblasts as soon as you get home – not after you get off work, two days later. What I do remember… well, it was chilly! A surprising 39 degrees and you will not hear me complaining. (YHC will, however, complain and curse Louisiana in a month, once that heat hits. I agree with Pelican, we should hibernate in the summer.)

So with just Russo and I for the second Tuesday in a row, we kept it simple: deconstructed burpees at each intersection on our journey through the streets of Old Mandeville (and back of course), and then half a Murph once we hit the Marsh.

As is often the case with me, conversations tend to turn towards my love-hate relationship with all the various animals my family has forced upon me. A terrifying sequel to Pet Semetary could easily be filmed in my backyard with all the animals I’ve buried under our trampoline – cats, a rabbit, frogs, snakes, dwarf hamster, fish, hermit crabs. Seriously. Hopefully it’s not a sacred Native American burial ground.

Anyway, my complaints about my cats barfing all over the house were dwarfed by Russo’s incredible story of his cat partially coughing up a piece of string that subsequently had to be pulled out by his wife – inch by never-ending inch – while birthday party guests gathered around and watched in horror. I imagine a similar scene played out in one of the Poltergeist films, but you’d have to consult our cultural encyclopedia The Hammer for confirmation.

Anyway, Russo and I were able to solve City Hall’s fiscal crisis during our half Murph (nice new soft pad replacing the Marsh mulch, btw!), as well as come up with a 10 point plan for how to tackle the ever-growing concern of AI. It’s incredible what can be done when you set your alarm for 4:45am. Hmm. I guess I did end up remembering most of it. Maybe procrastination ain’t so bad?

Russo, thanks for the being the rock of, not one, but TWO AO’s. You da man. Appreciate you and your steadfast commitment!