Trailhead Tuesday
Trailhead Tuesday

Trailhead Tuesday

PAX:Butt Splice, Shooter, Steve, THE Manny, Carpool

Four of the WFP (World’s Finest PAX) and YHC met at the Mandeville Trailhead to prepare for excess turkey (or tofurky) later in the week.


Abe Vigodas x20, SSH x20, Imperial Walkers x20, Butt Kicks x20, High Knees x20, Arm Circles x20, Back Arm Circles x20, Air Presses x20 (all IC) with 5 Burpees OYO in between each exercise.

Mosey to the bridge.

10 Merkins, Bunny Hop the decline, 10 Merkins, Lunge across the straightaway, 10 Merkins, Bear Crawl the incline, 10 Merkins; 10 Merkins, Sprint the decline, 10 Merkins, Lunge across the straightaway, 10 Merkins, Backwards Run up the incline, 10 Merkins; Rinse and Repeat.

Mosey to the stairs.

IC:  25 LBCs, 30 Flutter Kicks, 25 Freddie Mercuries.

Three round-trips on the stairs.

IC:  20 Push-throughs, 20 Right Side Crunches, 20 Left Side Crunches.

Circle up for countarama.  Butt Splice led us in prayer.  Thanks for the great workout, gentlemen.