41 is greater than 40
41 is greater than 40

41 is greater than 40

PAX:Jingle Vader, Amnesty, Cowbell, Fracsac, Milkman, Triple Shift, Hawg, Woz, Rudy, HVAC, Tool (QIC)

Mother nature treated the PAX to some great weather for the second morning in a row….T-claps!  Today is YHC’s 41st b-day so what better way to start the day than Q a workout.  After Hawg put a plea out on GroupMe the we need 41 PAX to post for the occasion, some of the guys must have felt the urge to head to Pontiff instead of Wolfpack or the elusive fartsack prairie.  I was suprised to see 11 eager men trickle in as we began the workout.  Here’s what we did:

Usual disclaimer and informed the PAX that 41 would be the number of the day.

SSH x41

IW x41

Low Country Crab x19

High Plank Hold x76sec


Grab a rock suitable for curling/pressing and circle up in the field for the following, all in cadence:

Copperhead Lunge R x15 + x10Pulse

Copperhead Squat x15 + x10 Pulse

Copperhead Lunge L x15 + x10Pulse

Calf Raises w/rock x25

Rock Curls x20

Shoulder Press w/rock x20

Copperhead Lunge R x12 + x8Pulse

Copperhead Squat x12 + x8 Pulse

Copperhead Lunge L x12 + x8Pulse

Calf Raises w/rock x2o

Rock Curls x18

Shoulder Press w/rock x18

Copperhead Lunge R x10 + x5Pulse

Copperhead Squat x10 + x5 Pulse

Copperhead Lunge L x10 + x5Pulse

Calf Raises w/rock x15

Rock Curls x15

Shoulder Press w/rock x15


Quick countdown and breather before COP #2:

High Plank x41sec

Curls x10

Low Plank x41sec

Press x10

R Side Plank x41 sec

Curls x10

L Side Plank x41 sec

Press x10

Low Plank w/L Leg up x41sec

Curls x10

Low Plank w/R Leg up x41 sec

Press x10


41 Burpess (in lieu of a cake and 41 candles) in 5 min.  (10 each minute on the minute for the first 4min then 1+plank or catch-up/plank on the last minute)

Times up, rocks back to base.


YHC had turned to the interwebs the night before to search “turning 41” and jotted down a few highlights to share with the PAX.  Thoughts on turning 41 according to the all so veracious Google search:

“You’re now old enough to give advice”

“You know what’s important in life”

“Your kid’s smiles will increasingly become band-aids for the soul”

“As you watch the way people age, you’ll believe fitness and health are increasingly valuable”

And to cap it off, a quote from George Burns – “You can’t help getting older, but you don’t have to get old”


COP concluded with a reminder we need to recruit some new blood and a shout out to The Sky Q.

Thanks for letting me lead.  Also, thanks to the PAX for continuing to push me and others.  I am confident it will allow us to age gracefully.
