610 Stomp #4 – BBQ&Brew Burnoff
610 Stomp #4 – BBQ&Brew Burnoff

610 Stomp #4 – BBQ&Brew Burnoff

PAX:Shorty, Forest, Amnesty, Side Effects, Tool

Five men came out for a post-Labor Day 4.5 mile run/walk/burpee fest.  Modified in the first minute with a sudden change to accommodate one of the PAX pulling in hot.  Once the crew got back on track, several of the PAX agreed this run may be tuff given the amount of BBQ’d meat and brew indulged on the day before.  Stayed on course with the usual route, running for 6 minutes, then burpee and/or walk for one minute.  Rinse and repeat till done.  The usual, lone Indy 500 driver in the silver 4-Runner graced us with a fly-by again on Filmore.  Luckily the keen senses and ultra quick reflexes of the PAX have been able to avoid being a speed bump by this guy.  Two groups finished the run a minute or two apart with approx a 10 min per mile pace.

It was YHC’s bday so the COT included giving thanks for another year of health, strength, and the will to get up in the am to make ourselves better.  Asked the big guy upstairs to give us many more bdays and F3 workouts.
