Climbing a Mountain – from Hokie
Climbing a Mountain – from Hokie

Climbing a Mountain – from Hokie


There is a theme here…. After seeing no one had signed up to Q, YHC took the initiative Sunday evening to Q Monday morning.

As 0530 approached, 8 Pax gathered including two down range, Brownie from Atlanta and Fryin’ Pan from Rock Hill, SC

After a brief warmorama of SSH, grass grabbers arms circles and Imperial Walkers we got started on our way up the mountain

1 Burpee
then a Rifle Carry with our coupons up the ramp to the overlook at the Children’s Museum

1 Burpee, and 5 cross over Merkins
Rifle carry back to the bottom

1 Burpee, 5 cross over Merkins, 10 curls
Rifle carry back to the top of the ramp and overlook the water

1 Burpee, 5 cross over Merkins, 10 curls, 15 shoulder presses
Rifle carry back to the bottom

1 Burpee, 5 cross over Merkins, 10 curls, 15 shoulder presses, 20 one arm rows (10 each)
Rifle carry back to the top of the ramp and overlook the water

1 Burpee, 5 cross over Merkins, 10 curls, 15 shoulder presses, 20 one arm rows, 25 KB swings
Rifle carry back to the bottom

1 Burpee, 5 cross over Merkins, 10 curls, 15 shoulder presses, 20 one arm rows, 25 KB swings, 30 rows
Rifle carry back to the top of the ramp and overlook the water where we stopped to admire the view… albeit for only about 2 seconds 😉

1 Burpee, 5 cross over Merkins, 10 curls, 15 shoulder presses, 20 one arm rows, 25 KB swings, 30 rows, 35 chest presses
Rifle carry back to the bottom

Accolades were handed out and acknowledge everyone’s hard work getting through the 1st half

we then managed our way down the mountain top in descending order moseying via rifle carry

1, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30
1, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25
1, 5, 10, 15, 20
1, 5, 10, 15
1, 5, 10
1, 5
1 Burpee after putting the coupons away

YHC once again wants to thank F3 for the opportunity to grow. We closed with the following prayer

Our dear Heavenly Father, we stand in this Circle of Trust, arm in arm, before you as F3 New Orleans. We pray for F3 Nation pax all over the world. Help us grow to mentor men in Leadership. Protect our Board members and bind us together in purpose. Through Christ our Lord….AMEN!!!