Sweatin’ to the Oldies? – from America’s Best
Sweatin’ to the Oldies? – from America’s Best

Sweatin’ to the Oldies? – from America’s Best

QIC:America’s Best
PAX:Enron, Yankee Jeaux, Honeysuckle, Goose, Pope, White Meat, Cardinal, Smooth Operator, Popeye, Ladybug, Paradox, Safety Valve, Picadilly, America's Best

The morning was blustery. YHC was a bit late, and too tired to care that his cardboard boxes were about to blow away. Luckily Enron arrived early, surveyed the situation, and was able to uproot some tree stumps to keep YHC’s props from blowing away.

Warmarama (that did not start with SSH) was presented with limited commercial interruption.

The first Thang: Intro to Hans and Franz (Arnold Schwarzenegger Merkins and Squats):
These are 9-count exercises. 5 count down, hold for 3 count, then explode up. The PAX performed these together, in 7s-style, to learn the cadence and ensure compliance. This must’ve been easier than YHC anticipated because the mumblechatter was deafening.
You may be asking yourself, “Myself, why are they called ‘Arnold Schwarzenegger Merkins’ and ‘Arnold Schwarzenegger Squats’?
Because that’s how Arnold Schwarzenegger does them.

Thang 2: Decades
6 Stations are set up, labeled 70s, 80s, 90s, 00s, 10s, 20s. Each has 2 exercises assigned to it. A song plays. Mission of player is to identify which decade the song is from, bear crawl to that station, and perform AMRAP of the 2 exercises displayed. You can do as many of each as you choose, as long as you do at least one of each. If you are performing the exercises from the correct decade (you are in the correct station), you get credit for whichever of the 2 you did the most of. If you are in the incorrect decade station, you only get credit for the one which you did fewer of.
Bonus points: At the end of the song, the word “STOP” is played, and is from another song. If you can ID where that came from, 20 bonus points. If you guess incorrectly, 5 burpee penalty.
The Highlights:
– Everyone except Popeye knows that Twilight Zone by Golden Earring is from the 80s
– Goose did 98 of something! (and was in the correct decade)!
– … but then Pope did 100
– Enron was the only one to win Bonus Points… Hammertime!
– Dox working out in the correct decade, heard a falsetto in a Broken Bells song, and said something like “Dangggitt” then switched to the 1970s…
– White Meat wins for most rounds with the same score.
– YHC was busy moving coupons and DJ-ing and missed most of the fun. Mental note to create a glove with a thumb cut-out.

Points have been tallied… but this stuff is YOU AGAINST YOU, so I can give you your number, and just do better next time. It’s called beating yourself. (Not the same as self-love)

A fair time was had by most.

COT and The Jersey of Mike was bestowed upon LadyBug for his persistence– good to see him back.

Goose prayed us out. Always an honor to lead such a great group of guys.