Tax day – fit rich – from Safety Valve
Tax day – fit rich – from Safety Valve

Tax day – fit rich – from Safety Valve

QIC:Safety Valve
PAX:Paradox, Cardinal, Lil Cuz, Popeye, White Meat, Safety Valve

YHC showed up to the Stage with a lone soul awaiting glory in the gloom. Cardinal was there by himself, likely contemplating his decision to wake up this morning as he beat the Q there. Dox is finally seeing things from his neighbors perspective and showed up tardy today…because who really needs to do SSH. Cuz, Popeye, and white meat decided to be the cool kids and show up not too early, but also courteous enough to not be late.

Imperial walkers
Willy Mayes Hayes
Mountain climbers
Arm circles forward and backward
Cherry pickers
High knees and butt kicks (the correct way)

No one likes paying taxes, and most PAX really do not enjoy when YHC Qs a beatdown. Those things together sound great to me, so that’s what we did today.


Taxman by the Beatles – SSH for duration, burpees anytime taxman or taxman was said.

We then set forth on a Mosey to Rich Man’s loop to start making our payments to the taxman.

Quarterly estimated payments – none of them are fun, but the last one hurts the most. Also, you put in a lot of work between the quarterly payments, only to give more back. After a mosey to rich mans loop, we used the loop as our playground to pay estimated tax payments to Uncle Jeaux.
– Diamonds/Four corners:
– 7 burpees at corner 1
– 7 burpees and 14 merkins at corner 2
– 7 burpees, 14 merkins, 21 big boy sit ups at corner 3
– 7 burpees, 14 merkins, 21 big boy sit ups and 28 squat jumps at corner 4

Crunching the numbers
After finishing our mile mosey back to the “flag”, we finally made it to crunch time in terms of taxes. We made our payments. We filled out our forms. Checked them over numerous times. It is now April 15th – the deadline to submit is here. Crunch time ensues:
7s with V ups and Big Boy Sit Ups, bear crawl and crab walk as mode of transport

Penalties and calculated interest
We submitted our forms. Five years later, we get a letter in the mail explaining that we messed up and actually owed more than we coughed up. Plus, they want the interest that they lost over that time period. How nice. PAX members were chosen “at random” to choose one of five dry erase boards as we are audited. Each board was flipped over, so the PAX had no idea what was to come. The boards all contained one exercise plus an additional “interest exercise” that made the first one hurt more.

Possible choices:
20 Freak nasties then 20 merkins
20 Squat jumps then 20 Monkey Humpers
V ups then hold six inches for 1 minute
20 Biceps curls then single arm bent over row with coupon (20 on each side)
20 Overhead press then 20 Derkins

6 o’clock came, COT commenced, Dox has two Q this week for something “special”, Cuz formed words and prayed us out.

In our careers, we make a salary and we pay lots of that money back with the hope that something good will ever come of it. Maybe we will always keep waiting. But, after seeing how much of our salary goes to taxes, it may then make us want to work longer hours so that we can pocket more ourselves. Always remember though, the more you make, the more you give back.

What if we were happy with only what we needed monetarily? Nothing left over to have a large house, a nice car, or to eat out every night of the week. How much time would we be able to free up in our lives for others if we lived on just what we needed. Perhaps a greater sign of well being and worth is the tax bill we build up if we were taxed on the time we gave others. Give some thought to it. Take that extra day of vacation off to be with family because it matters. Take the afternoon off to help your parents with something at their house or to help a friend in need. I will always regret not taking that afternoon off to see my little girl in her Easter bonnet parade. That will only happen once in her life. In ten years, I may not remember why I had to miss it, but I’ll remember that I did.

Thanks for showing up men. Always a pleasure to lead.