Tour de Tabata – from Safety Valve
Tour de Tabata – from Safety Valve

Tour de Tabata – from Safety Valve

QIC:Safety Valve
PAX:Lil cuz, cardinal, Americas best, honeysuckle, Enron, , smooth operator, safety valve

7 HIMs met in the gloom expecting to learn something from the professor this morning. Most looked a bit bewildered, and perhaps regretful for getting out for bed to experience a double valve feature this week. With YJ put on injured reserve, YHC decided he would offer his services to the PAX.

Mountain climbers
Imperial walkers
Willy mays hays
Arm circles forward and backward

Thang – starting at the lion

YHC has been frightened by the cardio fitness of the PAX lately. Since RCR in February the cardio has slacked off. With the exception of Lil Cuz, YHC has not been impressed. We tried to remedy some of that today. Since YHC would rather be next to AB while doing gas pumps than complete a 10 minute dialogue between each thang, today’s beatdown was designed to have as little mumble chatter as possible.

5 minutes – 20 seconds all out 10 seconds rest
Alternating burpees and mountain climbers

Mosey to Sherwin Williams parking lot

5 minutes – 20 seconds all out 10 seconds rest
Alternating Merkins and jump squats

Mosey to “the garden”. Interesting smells coming from this place today. Not sure if the veggies were rotting or someone was trying to ferment cabbage for wine making purposes.

5 minutes – 20 seconds all out 10 seconds rest
Alternating SSH and squats

Mosey to far end of the reservoir to Edward Jones parking lot. If anyone needs a good financial advisor, they have a nice building and lots of parking.

5 minutes – 20 seconds all out 10 seconds rest
Alternating V ups and LBCs

Mosey back to lion. At this point Enron was so enraged with AB’s and YHC’s Edward Jones comments, he let loose all his rage at once. AB said that he could even taste it.

5 minutes – 30ish seconds all out 15ish seconds rest
Suicides between sidewalks

0600 came, COT commenced, The rugby jersey went from suckle to smooth for his consistent leadership on Warrior Wednesday, YHC received the pimp from Enron for some unknown reason.

Thanks for showing up. Always a pleasure to lead.