A Boy Named Sue
A Boy Named Sue

A Boy Named Sue

QIC:Buckle Bunny
PAX:86, Bad Moon, Bartman, Brown Bag, Buckle Bunny (VQIC), Colonel, Douille, G Spot, Hasselhoff, Mulligan, Quick Draw, Reluctant Yankee, Revit, Saban, Sandbar, Seaman, Tinkles

“He must have thought that it was quite a joke

And it got a lot of laughs from a lot of folks

It seems I’ve had to fight my whole life through…

But I made me a vow to the moon and stars

That I’d search the honky-tonks and bars

And kill that man who give me that awful name…”

For the record, I love my F3 name, but can’t help but identify with poor ol’ Sue every time we run through the Name-O-Rama. So when I got tapped for my VQ the only sure thing was that it would be a nod to the Man in Black. First the disclaimer…

“My name is Sue! How do you do!? Now you’re gonna die!”

Mosey over to the base of the Mountain for a little warm up

  • SSH x 20
  • Imperial Walkers x 20
  • Smurf Jacks x 20
  • Imperial Walker Squats x 20

Next we make two single file lines for an Indian Run to the top. At the top we circle up for a little Johnny Cash/Ring of Fire

  • PAX hold a plank, first man does 5 Merkins, then the next, then the next, until we’ve made it all the way around the circle

Back down to the bottom of the mountain where we again make two single file lines for an Indian Run back to the top. At the top we grab a spot on the wall for some more Johnny Cash/Ring of Fire… or let’s call this Walk the Line

  • PAX hold a People’s Chair, first man does 10 Monkey Humpers, then the next, etc., etc., until we’ve walked the whole line

Mosey down to Touchdown Jesus and line up for some Curb Crawls

  • Start in decline plank position with feet on the curb, knock out 15 Derkins, Bear Crawl to the opposite curb,15 Incline Merkins, Reverse Bear Crawl back to original position, 10 Derkins, Bear Crawl, 10 Incline Merkins, Reverse Bear Crawl, 5 Derkins, Bear Crawl, 5 Incline Merkins, Reverse Bear Crawl, and recover

Now let’s circle up for Mary in the style of…you guessed it, Johnny Cash!

  • PAX on their 6 holding legs at 6″, first man does 5 Crunchy Frogs, then the next, etc., etc., all the way around
  • PAX in plank position, first man does 10 Pickle Pounders, then the next, etc., etc., all the way around

Mosey back the the flag for the COT, Count Off, Name-O-Rama, Announce-O-Rama (Grow Ruck, Bar-A-Thon), and Ball of Man.

“Son this world is rough

And if a man’s gonna make it he’s gotta be tough

And I knew I wouldn’t be there to help you along

So I give you that name and I said goodbye

I knew you’d have to get tough or die

And it’s that name that helped to make you strong…”

It was a privilege to lead you boys. SYITG,

Buckle Bunny

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