A Walk In The Park
A Walk In The Park

A Walk In The Park

PAX:Bushwacker, The Hammer, Steve

Was it easy-No Would we do it again-Yes Why would a person subject themselves to such pain? We know the answer.

First and foremost,the strength of our togetherness made the difference. 18 hours on the trace gives one much time to share our lives. To make one stronger when we felt weak. To know that you only die once but you can live everyday.

The obstacles were there, rain-38 miles worth, cold-it gets you when you are wet, aches-pretty much the entire body below your waist.

The Hammer set the pace cranking out a 8:45 pace for the first 10 miles. Hammer was clearly our psychological booster lifting us at the 40 mile mark. Sort of like reinforcements when you needed it most! As he approached , nothing looked better than smiling face as he ran toward us.

Steve was our steady force! We all know Steve. Does not slow up, does not complain, keeps on truckin. To him, mile 64 was like mile 1! The only thing that beat Steve was his cell phone😬😬. It never died even when tracking our progress for 18 hours. No charge. All other phones quit 20 miles earlier.

Bushwacker- it is no secret his legs endured the most pain in this adventure. I wondered how this man almost always finishes first during our lovely boot camp workouts. Let’s remember he is a guy that could be 6 feet under right now. If you ever wonder why he runs funny, blame it on his motor cycle and that crunching sound when two objects collide. Yet, with his rebuilt body, he is my six million dollar man. The fortitude was clearly visible for all to see.

For me, I always wanted to be a Roman Centurian. Maybe now I can join their ranks.

In closing, we want to thank our wives for supplying us several times in this adventure. And you guys, texting us to make sure we were ok. And finally our pre hundo buddies prepping us for the final show.