Ain’t no Mountain High Enough
Ain’t no Mountain High Enough

Ain’t no Mountain High Enough

QIC:Triple Shift
PAX:Surge, Jingle Vader, Shorty, Nip Tuck, Two Yutes and Babyface


I’m not sure how that song got in my head but it was appropriate for today’s workout.  I had the honor of subbing for Rudy at Okwata as he progresses in his marathon training so this workout better be good.  As I arrived at the AO, I saw Nip Tuck and Shorty arrive and I knew that I had my work cut out for me.



Side straddle hop x 50 IC

Hacky Sack x 20 IC

Mummy Kicks x 10 IC

Arm Circles x 10 IC (forward and reverse)



Mosey over to the levee portion at Canal Boulevard and Lakeshore Drive and I gave instructions that we would be doing Elevens.  1 reverse crunch and sprint to the top of the levee and then lunge walk down and do 10 – 8 count bodybuilders and then cross the levee 20 times until we get to 10 reverse crunches and 1 – 8 count bodybuilder.  Well, as I sprinted up the levee, a lunge walk down was a very long way.  I quickly modified the workout and gave instructions to just jog or walk down after the sprint.  Needless to say, this workout was brutal!!!  Not a lot of mumble chatter this morning.  As I finished up my last 8 count bodybuilder, I looked down and we had 2 minutes to get back to the virtual flag.  I gave instructions to cut it short and mosey on back so we would end on time. T-Claps to Nip / Tuck for finishing strong!



Countoff, Namerarma and Special Intentions for Shorty as he takes on the role of a Dad, Two Yutes as he increases his family unit and for parents dealing with physical ailments for their children (Babyface’s friend’s child has a heart condition).  Thank you for letting me lead!